Hi ladies,
Just looking for some experiences with breastfeeding. My LO latched on pretty quickly while I was in recovery, but she'd only suck for about eight times and then stop. She did this about five or six times, and I was very hopeful that we would get this breastfeeding thing down with no sweat. Well, I was wrong.
Once I got to my room, she really didn't latch on again for more than three sucks at a time. I worked with the lactation people at the hospital. We used a nipple shield along with a syringe of supplemental formula. That seemed to help a bit. I also started pumping in the hospital, but very little milk was coming. I thought maybe that, since I had a c-section, it was just taking longer to come in. But here we are 10 days after birth and I still am not getting much milk out. We're talking maybe 2 ounces over the course of two days of pumping. LO has been on formula pretty much exclusively except for a bottle of breastmilk once every two days.
Since leaving the hospital, I have met with the lactation specialist at my pediatrician's office who recommended additional manual pumping and fenugreek and blessed thistle herbs. I'm also pumping about five times a day. I'm going to increase that to eight times and increase my skin to skin contact, but I don't know what else to do.
I am getting discouraged since I'm not seeing much progress. And I feel a little like failure. I feel like all I do is pump, feed, clean bottles and repeat. The good news is LO has a good appetite and the formula seems to agree with her (no spitting up or upset stomach or anything). I just really want to be able to do the best for my baby.
So, any success stories out there you care to share? I don't want to give up, but I am also discouraged and exhausted.
Re: Breastfeeding
One caution with all breastfeeding resources- don't let them make you feel guilty (about supplementing or if you have to end up just ffing) - but maybe Google Dr Jack Newman. And there were a lot of knowledgable ladies many who had struggles initially here in the breastfeeding board but I think most moved to the new forum site. Can give you that info if you want. Other thing to look into is breastfeeding personality types (of the baby) - sorry I am on mobile and can't easily throw in links.
Generally speaking - quantity you pump is not a good indication of supply. Body will respond differently to baby than pump. But it is a supply and demand system so supplementing can be counterproductive if you have a supply problem. There are mixed opinions out there about nipple shields.
Are you trying to have your baby nurse before giving a bottle? Also - check this with a lactation consultant but maybe pump s little (to try to get letdown started) then put baby to breast since LO is used to bottle and getting the goods right away so may lose interest nursing waiting for letdown.
It sounds like the PC at your person office is maybe more rreally pto-breastfeeding than the one at your hospital, maybe, but maybe see if there are any others in the area you can consult with? And any breastfeeding support groups?
Also drink lots of water!
Good luck!
We supplemented a little bit for a couple weeks, as he was jaundicey and slow to regain birth weight. Had to quit when he had a sensitively to it, which meant very frequent bf-ing, to keep the supply up.
I still can't pump unfortunately, figure I'll have to rent a hospital grade before I go back to work. I actually do better hand expressing, but just slightly.
The book the womanly art of breast feeding might have some useful tips/encouragement also.
I'm assuming your LO was checked for tongue tie, which can cause trouble latching?
Hang in there, it will get better!
Yes, for sure it is! You have a great positive attitude. Sorry to hear of your grandmother, that must be extra hard right now - the first few weeks are Sooo emotional to begin with.
I think it's hard for DH's to see us go through it all and be so helpless, which is probably why they are so quick to support formula.