June 2015 Moms

3 wks PP gas pain?

I'm so close to going into the ER... I'm in so much pain. I'm three weeks pp and did have a c section. The pain is crazy! First I had kindof a stomach pain earlier and now this! Had anyone else experience severe pain from gas? If so what did you do??

Re: 3 wks PP gas pain?

  • Ice pack on your belly. If it's gas ice will shrink the gas bubbles
  • btm013btm013 member
    YES! I had really bad gas pain. It felt like contraction pain. Brutal. I found walking helped. Also, don't hold back. Let.Them.Rip. It doesn't matter who is present. Now's not the time to be ladylike. It went away eventually. Good luck!
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  • I'm also in pain when I have gas and when I have to go number 2. I thought it was just me. :-S
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