Well my baby shower was getting to the point of being too big (a little over 100 ppl) it included my side and his side of the family, church members, and very little friends. The church members got added on later because of my MIL after my mom and cousin already started planning, nothing was booked but they knew what they wanted to do. Anyways with the church getting included moved the shower from our nice restaurant plan to the gym of the church and from there so many other miscommunications between all 3 planning. It got to be point where my mom told my MIL that she wanted to give me a more intimate shower so our side is doing our own thing again which means two showers. Anyways DH is all upset and won't even talk to me now because of this, he even ate dinner in the basement he is so upset. Anyways now I feel like I am being selfish since he is making such a big deal about this. All I wanted was to have a nice shower and not a mess which it was turning out to be with the overflow of ppl and miscommunications. Yes I know I could have bigger issues or not even get a shower but I'm just so frustrated.
Re: *Vent* DH is upset over baby shower
Also... gym of the church? Eek.
Your husband sounds like he's acting like a spoiled brat. Why exactly is he so upset?
Also, there is NOTHING wrong w/ 2 showers. I think the guests will actually probably appreciate it. And lastly, being mad at YOU makes absolutely on sense. You're not throwing this shindig. It's not your choice/your say.
Your DH needs to get over himself and realize that nothing is wrong w/ this scenario.