I cant believe ive been pumping for almost 2 months. I thought i wouldnt last a month. I feed her 80% breastmilk and 20% formula aprox. I plan on keeping at it for as long as i can since ive gotten use to the routine and all the critizing i get which wasnt helping in the beginning since im a FTM i thought of myself as a failure for not being able to breastfeed. How long are you planning on pumping?
Re: Pumping and FF
This shit is exhausting, and I hate it very much, so kudos to you for already hitting the two-month mark!
Nice job! I am a FTM too and an EP.
We started adding formula week 3. Still trying to figure out what works best for the amount of ounces to give our LO all while trying to get into a nice "schedule".
If you have any advice on how much your LO was/is getting & how often, please share! I know its not the same for every baby... but it is hard to find any helpful articles online for EP & FF.
I am planning on pumping for the first 6 months and then I'll reevaluate, and depending on my freezer stash we will go from there.
It's not something I enjoy, and I'm still bummed that breastfeeding didn't happen for us. But I finally feel like I've got the hang of this whole pumping thing. It's hard, but I feel great knowing I found a way to make it work.
EDIT: to answer the question about how much he eats ... It is a huuuuge range! Some days he will eat 35oz total and others it's only 25oz. It was the same range when we supplemented with formula.