Baby Names

Maverick opinions

Ok so my DH really has his heart set on Maverick for a boy. I'm not a big fan at all but I basically picked the girls name alone and am in love with it so I can understand where he'd be bummed to have me veto his favorite name. What do you ladies think? Think it could grow on me? Maybe as a middle name? Blah I hate being the bad guy but I'm just afraid of all the eye rolls and giggles for a name like that. I really want to like it for his sake.

Keeping my fingers crossed that this baby is a girl purely for the fact we've agreed on a name I love haha

Re: Maverick opinions

  • I could get on board as a middle name of his heart is really set on it. First name, just no.

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  • Thanks for your input, I hate to say I agree but he loves it so much I'm in a hard spot! I think he can be persuaded to move it to middle name at least. Need to come up with a first name that's good enough to cancel it out lol
  • No. If you absolutely must then middle name it. But that's the only way I can get on board. 

    Honestly, why does he like it so much? Does he have a solid reason? Because this is one of those "names" that really is just shouting for attention. I can't take it seriously and I can't imagine that most other people IRL would either. It sounds more like an online screen name.
    Vive Les Frasers
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  • Remind him that his son is a person would could grow up to be a very introverted kid who grows up to be an accountant, not a wild boy who becomes a cowboy. Middle name it if you can't talk some sense in to him!

    EDD for #1: 3/19/17
  • Sadly Maverick was one of the better options he's come up with. He's a pilot and obsessed with top gun since he was a kid. I'm fully aware it's silly but ugh he gets so sad and mopey when I try to veto it. Please let this baby be a girl!
  • koala1107koala1107 member
    edited July 2015
    I appreciate all the input thanks ladies! I was hoping I was just crazy and it was just me that didn't like it lol
  • I actually like it! It's different and unique. We also thought of it for our boy. It is a little bold and my husband wants a more religious name therefore we will probably settle with it as a middle name. He could always have it as his middle name and if he wants to go by it he could. Or if your husband wants to call him that but then for his formal name have something a little more tame.
  • My friend's son is Maverick, they call him Mav. I actually never really thought twice about it. But they are making a new Top Gun so that might not help your situation out.
  • @jessilee15 so funny you say that because I tried!! We just got a new horse and I kept calling it Maverick hoping it would catch but he caught on and didn't want to ruin the name on the horse... So he named the horse Goose! He legitimately wants to name our child Maverick and have him have our horse named Goose. I just can't even with him right now. Would be funny if he wasn't actually dead serious!
  • Team it sounds like you think you are making your kid cool by givong him the name. Also the technical definition isn't great and I can't imagine an adult Maverick that wasn't a douchbag. It's just screams it to me.

  • The fact that he's a pilot makes the name even sillier to me. This is one thing that I wouldn't give in on. I might compromise and use it for a middle name but he needs to compromise too.
  • Maverick is an excellent name for a horse! I can't believe hubs played you like that with Goose!

    EDD for #1: 3/19/17
  • Maverick is an excellent name for a horse! I can't believe hubs played you like that with Goose!
    Get out of my head! A horse was going to be my response
  • ZimgerZimger member

    I love it! Most people on this board don't.

    That being said, if you don't like it then he should consider different names. Both parents should like the name.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Zimger said:

    I love it! Most people on this board don't.

    That being said, if you don't like it then he should consider different names. Both parents should like the name.

    That's true. Unless you're an idiot like me and traded full control of the first born daughter's name for total financial control of our wedding. Yes, I am dumb.

    Better than me who signed a contract giving naming rights of our first born in exchange for 2 bottles of wine when I was underage, we were just dating, and babies seemed a lifetime away. Luckily that paper has been lost in a move but it's been brought up often. Ugh!
  • I don't understand people who think their child is a walking bumper sticker of their interests. It smacks of so much narcissism. I get it you like GoT or Dr Who or Ozzy Osborne or some ridiculous athlete but guess what your kid might not like those any of those things because it's not about you!! ... End rant. :-)
  • edited July 2015
    koala1107 said:

    Zimger said:

    I love it! Most people on this board don't.

    That being said, if you don't like it then he should consider different names. Both parents should like the name.

    That's true. Unless you're an idiot like me and traded full control of the first born daughter's name for total financial control of our wedding. Yes, I am dumb.

    Better than me who signed a contract giving naming rights of our first born in exchange for 2 bottles of wine when I was underage, we were just dating, and babies seemed a lifetime away. Luckily that paper has been lost in a move but it's been brought up often. Ugh!
    Okay, I love you. I've known my hubs since we were 14. When you're young, you do a lot of stupid things but only a special few of us are married to someone who remembers it. And I probably would have done the same thing. Wine. Ahhhhh.

    Unfortunately in my situation my father, the bastion of ethics, witnessed this deal. So I'm effed.

    Edited for typo.

    EDD for #1: 3/19/17
  • ZimgerZimger member

    koala1107 said:

    Zimger said:

    I love it! Most people on this board don't.

    That being said, if you don't like it then he should consider different names. Both parents should like the name.

    That's true. Unless you're an idiot like me and traded full control of the first born daughter's name for total financial control of our wedding. Yes, I am dumb.

    Better than me who signed a contract giving naming rights of our first born in exchange for 2 bottles of wine when I was underage, we were just dating, and babies seemed a lifetime away. Luckily that paper has been lost in a move but it's been brought up often. Ugh!
    Okay, I love you. I've know my hubs since we were 14. When you're young, you do a lot of stupid things but only a special few of us are married to someone who remembers it. And I probably would have done the same thing. Wine. Ahhhhh.

    Unfortunately in my situation my father, the bastion of ethics, witnessed this deal. So I'm effed.
    1) Ouch on trading control.

    2) My DH and I have dated since we were 14 as well. We took a break and met back up later in life. Thank goodness we waited to have kids! He had some wild name ideas!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Zimger said:

    koala1107 said:

    Zimger said:

    I love it! Most people on this board don't.

    That being said, if you don't like it then he should consider different names. Both parents should like the name.

    That's true. Unless you're an idiot like me and traded full control of the first born daughter's name for total financial control of our wedding. Yes, I am dumb.

    Better than me who signed a contract giving naming rights of our first born in exchange for 2 bottles of wine when I was underage, we were just dating, and babies seemed a lifetime away. Luckily that paper has been lost in a move but it's been brought up often. Ugh!
    Okay, I love you. I've know my hubs since we were 14. When you're young, you do a lot of stupid things but only a special few of us are married to someone who remembers it. And I probably would have done the same thing. Wine. Ahhhhh.

    Unfortunately in my situation my father, the bastion of ethics, witnessed this deal. So I'm effed.
    1) Ouch on trading control.

    2) My DH and I have dated since we were 14 as well. We took a break and met back up later in life. Thank goodness we waited to have kids! He had some wild name ideas!
    Yeah and we were still in college or just graduated during the process so our wedding cost about 37 cents. I lost on a fronts. Upside is that 5 years later, I still love him!

    EDD for #1: 3/19/17
  • Maverick is awful.  I'm sorry, but to be brutally honest, I have heard of people naming their kids Maverick (I live in the Midwest, after all), and I see it as a run-of-the-mill white trash name, up there with Jax, Brylee, and the like.  That's just my association. 

    I hope the bit about giving up naming rights in exchange for 2 bottles of wine is a joke?  Like, hopefully your husband wouldn't actually hold you to that? 
  • whit3183 said:

    Maverick is awful.  I'm sorry, but to be brutally honest, I have heard of people naming their kids Maverick (I live in the Midwest, after all), and I see it as a run-of-the-mill white trash name, up there with Jax, Brylee, and the like.  That's just my association. 

    I hope the bit about giving up naming rights in exchange for 2 bottles of wine is a joke?  Like, hopefully your husband wouldn't actually hold you to that? 
    I would never let my husband forget it! But I'm just as stubborn as I am spiteful.

    EDD for #1: 3/19/17
  • Strongly dislike, and fingers crossed for a girl! ;) I wouldn't argue it out too much until you find out the sex. My H and I absolutely could not agree on a boy name. He had some horrible suggestions. Thank goodness we found out it was a girl, because the only name we could even slightly agree on was a girl name.



    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • Even if you have a boy, DH might change his mind about the name once the name discussion becomes 'real' instead of 'if we have a boy'

    **siggy warning**

    Current Age 35, DH 33

    Married 9/2011

    BFP 8/2012, Miscarried 9/2012

    BFP 9/2012, DS 6/2013

    BFP 6/2014, Miscarried 7/2014

    BFP 7/2014, DD 4/2015

  • whit3183 said:

    Maverick is awful.  I'm sorry, but to be brutally honest, I have heard of people naming their kids Maverick (I live in the Midwest, after all), and I see it as a run-of-the-mill white trash name, up there with Jax, Brylee, and the like.  That's just my association. 

    I hope the bit about giving up naming rights in exchange for 2 bottles of wine is a joke?  Like, hopefully your husband wouldn't actually hold you to that? 
    The story itself is sadly not a joke lol. He's certainly going to put up a fight but at the end of the day knows I'm not going to sign off on a ridiculous name. I guess it's a battle for another day! Luckily have until December to pray he changes his mind if it ends up being a boy!
  • It's sort of neat in a "Wow. What a curiosity!" kind of way but i'm afraid that his personality might not fit his name and then you've got a human irony on your hands. 
  • LNic5LNic5 member
    Yea definitely not a fan...I hope it's a girl for your sake as well!! :)
  • 4N6s4N6s member
    I actually kind of like it... I wouldn't use it but I don't think it's terrible. I just don't like the idea of Rick being a possible nickname.
  • ZimgerZimger member
    Have you each tried coming up with a list of 5 or 10 names. If he can give you more input maybe you can come to a compromise. Maybe he can look into other inspirations for names. Are there any pilots from history that he respects? I would even suggest Asa. Good strong name. I think its much ore mellow than Maverick but the nicknmame Ace is there.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Please don't use this name. It just sounds so cheesy. 
    LFAF September Siggy Challenge: Pinterest Fails


  • Sorry I just can't see little Maverick liking his name when he's applying for a job one day.
    LFAF September Siggy Challenge



  • Really? Like from Top Gun? My hubby calls me Goose (which i hate by the way). He can always call him Maverick as his own NN for him, but i wouldnt put that on the BC.
  • jenfarm3jenfarm3 member
    edited July 2015
    I love the name Maverick. A friend of mine named her son Maverick and I thought it was such an awesome name. She's pregnant with a little girl now and they're naming her Flora, which I'm not very fond of but I love the uniqueness.

    I can see how it wouldn't be popular on this board though. I'm scared to death to post any of our name ideas when it comes time... probably won't. :(
    houston, tx. eharmony 7.3.11. married 3.7.15. oilfield wife.

  • Personally I love the name Maverick! It is actually on our boy name list (still don't know the sex).
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • These names are what pets are for! We have two cats (brothers) named Maverick and Goose. DH is also a pilot, hence the names. So happy you are having a girl :)
  • Maverick's not super bad. I've known 2.
    1) DH's preferred tattoo artist who was a medic in the army. Super nice, talented guy.
    2) A 3rd grader from my last school who loved stuffed animals. Great kid with Biker parents.
    If it's a boy and his name must be Maverick, he'll still be great.
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