Baby Names

Middle Name Help

We're having a girl (yay!) and decided we like Steely for a first name, but we're having a tough time with a middle name.  We came up with two that we kind of like (Rose and Joan), but I don't think we're completely sold on either one of them.  Suggestions?

Re: Middle Name Help

  • Congrats!  But, Steely?  Um..... 
  • urby87urby87 member
    Strong-willed, bright...  It's uncommon, but it has been used before.
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  • urby87urby87 member
    edited July 2015
    We know not everybody is going to like it, but we've gotten primarily positive feedback from people we know.  This site shows 5 boys last year and 27 girls between 2007 and 2012.  ETA: Yes, Danielle is out.  Ray is, too.
  • She was asking for opinions on the middle name, not the first. The first has been decided so maybe contribute to the middle name or don't say anything at all??

    I'm not even a huge fan of it but sheesh you girls can be rough.

    Anyways, Steely sounds like an adjective when paired with Rose, but I definitely like the way a one syllable middle name sounds along with it.

    Steely Rae
    Steely Maeve
    Steely Claire
    Steely Quinn
  • urby87urby87 member
    edited July 2015
    Thanks for the input, @littlebean1222! I actually do like the sound of Ray/Rae, but it reminds me of Stevie Ray Vaughan.  Same reason Danielle is out.  Personally, I think Steely is a very unique name and I like it, but I know not everybody is going to agree with me.  I didn't expect a ton of positive feedback because it is admittedly unusual, but I have to say I'm surprised that it's being compared to names that are completely made up and/or "creatively" spelled...
  • It's different, but I like it.

    I would use an obviously feminine mn, in case people question the sex.
  • ecmbecmb member
    I actually like Steely. What about Steely Anne? Steely Kate?

    Me: 32  Hubby: 31

    Married 12/29/12

    Started TTC July 2014

    Miscarriage August 2014

    Emmett born February 2016

    Expecting Baby #2 in August 2017

  • urby87urby87 member
    edited July 2015
    Yes, @MamaWren919, it definitely needs to be a more traditional and feminine mn, since Steely is so unusual.  Thanks for the suggestions!
  • Yeah, I'm not really a fan of Steely as a name... and for a girl. All I think of is Steely Dan. Sorry.

    I do agree that a traditionally feminine middle name would balance it out nicely though. I like the previous suggestion of Steely Kate.
    Vive Les Frasers
    Related image

  • Can't get on board with Steely. At least you're considering a nice MN so she can use that.
  • Not a fan at all. It sounds like an adjective for the MN and/or last name.
    Triple LFAF IVF Cycle:

  • Oh here we go again....

    Steely is not a name. Do not name your daughter Steely. Step away from Steely.
  • I just can't imagine Steely on a grown woman. It sounds ridiculous. It might be cute up until she's seven. I would use it in the mn spot if you really love it.
  • Not my style, but hey! If you like it, go for it.

    My middle name suggestions:
    Magnolia (kiddingggg. Steel Magnolias, anyone?)
    Married 10/4/2014 (10-4, good buddy!)
    Baby Boy #1 born 1/9/17
    Baby Boy #2 EDD 11/4/18
    "It's when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what.  You rarely win, but sometimes you do."  -Atticus Finch, To Kill A Mockingbird

  • LNic5LNic5 member
    Definitely different and definitely needs a super feminine middle name. Also, I agree with pp that paired with Rose it sounds like an adjective

    Steely Eloise
    Steely Adelaide
    Steely Audra
    Steely Camilla
    Steely Charlotte
    Steely Bianca
    Steely Elena
    Steely Louisa
    Steely Eliza
    Steely Annabelle
    Steely Vivienne
    Steely Aurora
    Steely Genevieve
    Steely Juliet
    Steely Lucia
    Steely Evangeline
  • 4N6s4N6s member
    Ooooooh. I might steal-ee this!

    ...just kidding.
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