For anyone who has bought and used one with their LOs, what's your opinion? Yay or Nay? Did it hold up well? If you remember the model, which one did you buy?
Hi there- we bought the Sundvik model for DD and love it. She is 15 months and sleeping peacefully every night. My only complaint is the sides don't have the slats and when we wanted to use bumpers it didn't work, same goes for a crib skirt. It is on the smaller side but I view it as a plus since I'm only 5'2", I don't have any issues picking her up or laying her down (even with the mattress on the lowest setting).
My friends twins have the Gulliver (and they also have the toddler rail attachment, which they are currently using). They have had zero issues with them.
When it comes to the Sundvik, it shouldnt matter if you cannot use a bumper....since you aren't supposed to use them anyway. I am curious why they still even bother making them.
Re: TTM about IKEA Cribs
Using it with a Kolcraft mattress.