hi ladies! Need some advice.. I started off strong, great milk supply, almost too much.. I wasn't able to start pumping until this past Monday per my lactation consultant. Finally started pumping, and now I feel like my milk supply is gone down a lot. What's normal to pump in what time frame? What can I do to get more milk? I've beed drinking mothers milk tea since yesterday but it doesn't seem to be doing much.
Part of my panic is that I go back to work on the 6th and I'm worried I won't have enough in supply or back up.
Any advice is appreciated.
Re: Help! Need more milk!
I noticed that it's hard for the mind and body to let go of the milk for a machine. Try letting your baby suckle just a bit and then pump. You will get a lot more out. Try stimulating your nipples yourself, thinking about feeding your baby, having sex, thinking of sex etc. Anything to get the oxytocin flowing.