Baby Names


groovylocksgroovylocks member
edited June 2015 in Baby Names
So last one for the night, I promise. 

I LOVE the name Gilligan. I know it's fekked. I can't help it. My husband says we're not naming our kid after "The Good Lost" and would his middle name be Minnow or Skipper?

I don't care. I can't help myself. I love this name. 

Am I alone in the cold, icy vistas of weird here?

Re: Gilligan

  • No. Hell no.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    TTC since September 2012
  • You are alone. :-(
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  • groovylocksgroovylocks member
    edited June 2015
    Yeah that's verbatim what the hubbub said too. 
    nurse714 said:
    No. Hell no.

  • At least you know it's not good...
  • At least you know it's not good...

    Oh yeah i know.. I think what really got me interested in the name was the fact that Stewie Griffin's middle name is Gilligan. That made me laugh for a good solid few minutes. 

    It stuck somehow. 
  • yes, you are alone
  • groovylocksgroovylocks member
    edited June 2015
    queenwog said:
    No, look you can dislike it but please don't tell me you're not familiar with the name Gilligan and its place in pop culture.. Cripes that show was before my time too but it's a classic.
  • Gilligan's Island.  Look it up.
  • I'm aware of Gilligan's Island, but as far as using Gilligan on a baby in this century... wut.
  • I like Gilbert for the nn Gil. So show aside I can see the appeal of Gilligan. But yes sadly the show made the name pretty unusable.

  • You're alone! I like Prudence. It is my GP girl name but no, I just couldn't do it and it doesn't even have as heavy a connotation of a well know television show character.
    (Former UN: iloveshanej)

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  • Will be the lone voice of dissent here -- I actually don't hate it! The generation that even watched Gilligan's Island is going to be aging out of cultural relevance before too long (eek, that probably sounds harsher than I mean it to!) 

    That said, you would definitely have to weather a lot of jokes, questions, and even scorn in the short term. Gil or Gill as a nickname is really nice, imo. However, if your husband hates it that much, it seems like a non-starter. 
  • Please don't.
  • haha I get it. It's not a good name. 

    I am going to try to snake it in as a middle name though. >:)
  • @groovylocks Don't feel too badly. I think we all have that name we love that no one else gets. My guilty pleasure names are Jessa and Dixie. Please excuse me, my redneck is showing.

    EDD for #1: 3/19/17
  • @groovylocks Don't feel too badly. I think we all have that name we love that no one else gets. My guilty pleasure names are Jessa and Dixie. Please excuse me, my redneck is showing.
    I like Dixie too. I also like Sadie and Dallas. 

    My husband tends to disagree with those. 
  • LOL I have a male cousin named Dallas. One time my husband decided that Dallas would be an excellent name for a little girl. I didn't talk to him for a few hours.

    EDD for #1: 3/19/17
  • I don't like Gilligan, but I also have my names that no one else understands so I TOTALLY get it! Lol
  • Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale....
  • I read this as Gillian first, and thought, that's not a bad name, what is everyone talking about,lol. But Gilligan is not my style.
  • I think when naming your baby you should think about if they'll get made fun of in school (kids are cruel) it's a no go, you're alone lol. I wasn't made fun of for my name but it pisses me off when people say it wrong, Theresia. Pronounced Theresa lol
  • groovylocksgroovylocks member
    edited July 2015
    I think when naming your baby you should think about if they'll get made fun of in school (kids are cruel) it's a no go, you're alone lol. I wasn't made fun of for my name but it pisses me off when people say it wrong, Theresia. Pronounced Theresa lol
    The 10 year old me can make fun of any name because kids don't think logically. If they want to tease you, it's not because of what your name is (unless you're the new kid and your name is Buttkiss Chubwart or something) They tease you because you probably react to it. They'll use your name because why not? They'll use anything. We had a teacher with the last name Stillwell. We didn't like her so we called her "Stillfart". Because fart. If a kid named Kayley is unpopular enough, she just becomes KayFart or Fart-Lee or Fat-lee. 

    See? Easy.

    I'm not worried about other kids. I'm more worried about adults and how he will grow into his name. His elders need to take him seriously until he gets old enough to start making the rules himself. 
  • Buttkiss Chubwart. A+ @groovylocks that is truly horrifying! lol!

    EDD for #1: 3/19/17
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