found out today that I'll be induced in two days due to high bp. We went from wanting a "labor at home as long as possible" and "low intervention" birth process to "kick starting everything with drugs" and "constant fetal monitoring" in the matter of minutes. I'm devastated and having a hard time dealing. I know it is for the best for both me and LO but I can't help feeling caught off guard. Worst of all I feel like I'm letting my DH down; he was so excited about helping me in various labor positions and now we find out that I'll be restricted to the bed for the whole process. I'm sure half of my emotions right now are hormone related but I'm struggling. Anyone else have to change mindset last minute like this and have any suggestions? And yes, I know this part has been discussed at nauseum on other boards but pitocin scares the bajesus out of me and makes me question my strength to do this epidural-free (which was the original intent)
Re: Birth plan change, difficulty dealing
I don't think everyone can make the choice to accept a change of plan so quickly, and that's ok. But I do know that if you can do that, you will feel positive feelings vs. negative. And if your sorrow is about losing control, then how empowering that you can take mental control! Choose to reinsert the joy of the wonder of birth, and the new life you're creating!
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We never had a set birth plan just because of this reason. I never wanted to feel disapoonted or upset that something was gonna change.
Just know that they are trying to do what's best for you and your baby. At the end of it all you'll be so over the moon with seeing your baby it probably won't matter afterwards as much
I do not mean to be insensitive in any way but I can say with certainty that it DOES NOT MATTER. You have one job and that is to deliver a healthy, happy baby. I wanted a natural epidural free delivery and I ended up with Pitocin, an epidural and then a C-section. Do not dwell on what you imagined it would be. Focus on your sweet baby's face and just get through it. You've got this! Good luck
Birth is supernatural and primal and amazing, regardless of what the delivery process looks like. You created and will delivery every ounce of this baby... 100% you, medical intervention or not! Nobody can take that away from you.
Besides, so many woman end up giving birth right before their inductions are scheduled (mine did!). So don't give up on nature taking it course before anthing else happens anyways.
This wasn't the plan I had in mind. I felt some despair at needing to be induced, but the moment I saw his heart rate drop I knew this was the best thing for my baby boy and I didn't give it a second thought. I then felt some disappointment in myself for "giving in" and getting an epidural, but labor progressed much faster after that and I got enough rest to give me the focus and calmness I needed to wrap it up. Sometimes the plans we make aren't the plans that need to be enacted, and the things we want aren't what's best for us. Every time I feel a little sad that things didn't go the way I wanted I look at my son and remind myself of this and all I can feel is happiness that he's here, he's healthy, and our lovely little family is all the better for it.
Franco Paul born 6/4/15 at 39 weeks. Mila Francesca born 10/19/13 at 37 weeks. Both born via C-Section after 6 years of fertility treatments, disappointments and losses. Love them!!
I was a bit disappointed to not have a natural birth as planned but the excitement of meeting my LO was much greater than any disappointment.
Good luck!