Baby Names

Caitlyn or Kaitlyn

I really like this name. My husband isn't exactly sure because of the media hype with Caitlyn Jenner. What do you all think?
And what spelling do you prefer? I know there are several.

Re: Caitlyn or Kaitlyn

  • megewymegewy member
    I don't think it matters either way. Also I didn't even think of Jenner when seeing the name.
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  • I like Caitlyn better. I tend to like C names better than K.
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  • I think either is fine. I love the name!
  • I prefer it with a C, and with an i instead of y. Caitlin. Looks more... grown up to me.
    Married 10/4/2014 (10-4, good buddy!)
    Baby Boy #1 born 1/9/17
    Baby Boy #2 EDD 11/4/18
    "It's when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what.  You rarely win, but sometimes you do."  -Atticus Finch, To Kill A Mockingbird

  • Caitlin is probably one of my least favorite names of all time. It's just not for me. I think I would avoid this name right now because of the hype...but then, I'm afraid my judgement on this is clouded because of how much I dislike this name. I'd spell it Caitlin. @LizWhiz87 and I are the Y's in names czars and we do not approve this extra y.

    EDD for #1: 3/19/17
  • Caitlin the way it was intended to be spelled
  • Caitlin is grown up and classy to me.

    Bruce is a family name and we're sticking to it on our short list if it's a boy, regardless of the same media hype.
  • Caitlin.  I also think it's silly to avoid due to pop culture considering it's a classic name.  Just like with all the people OMG I can't use Charlotte now because the princess. Um, it's classic and been popular forever. 

  • bbiutmcph said:

    Caitlin.  I also think it's silly to avoid due to pop culture considering it's a classic name.  Just like with all the people OMG I can't use Charlotte now because the princess. Um, it's classic and been popular forever. 

    I have been told that by a couple people now! I was like, yea I Someone actually asked me if I knew! Of course I know! I don't live in a box!!
  • bbiutmcph said:

    Caitlin.  I also think it's silly to avoid due to pop culture considering it's a classic name.  Just like with all the people OMG I can't use Charlotte now because the princess. Um, it's classic and been popular forever. 

    I have been told that by a couple people now! I was like, yea I Someone actually asked me if I knew! Of course I know! I don't live in a box!!
    I saw a post a few weeks back that someone was SO upset that William and Catherine named their baby Charlotte because *now* it was going to be so popular. It was very popular long before that baby was born...
  • kwaldykwaldy member
    I'm a Kaitlyn. So I prefer that spelling... but I might be just a little bit biased. ;)
  • Caitlyn!
  • I like Caitlin the best. It just have a nice look to it.
  • Use Caitlin. It is the traditional spelling.
  • Caitlin is probably one of my least favorite names of all time. It's just not for me. I think I would avoid this name right now because of the hype...but then, I'm afraid my judgement on this is clouded because of how much I dislike this name. I'd spell it Caitlin. @LizWhiz87 and I are the Y's in names czars and we do not approve this extra y.
    My name is Liz Whiz and I approve this message.
  • I like most names with a K. it seems more classy and grown up. I am a Katherine and no one had ever asked about a C.
    March 2011: Off Nuva, cycle back to "normal" for me: No periods since 15 years old. June 2011:Provera&50 mg Clomid; Progesterone:0.7 July 2011:Provera&100mg Clomid; Progesterone:3.29 Met with RE:No Clomid response, begin injectables Sep 5 mg Letrozole and Ovidrel in the interim month. Cut out running (was a distance-runner), cycling, eliptical. Restricted to weight-training, walking, pilates. Brain MRI normal. Being physically over-stressed is the reason the body stopped producing prog. Late Sep 2011: Menopur, Ovidrel,& IUI (10.10.11):BFN-Great injectable response: 2 mature, 6 near mature, many smaller; Problem: 9 cysts! Dr: IUI too uncontrolled for number of viable eggs & age. On to IVF! IVF ER 12.6: 37 mature eggs, 27 fertilized, froze all to avoid overstimulation; FET 1.22 (2 Grade 1)=BFN; FET 2.22 (3 Grade 2)=BFP! Beta 10dp3dt=291; 12dp3dt=644; HB 3.26!! 174 bpm: Vanishing twin almost completely absorbed 10wks Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • 4N6s4N6s member
    Caitlin or Katherine
  • I like Kaitlyn. I like Caitlin better though. I also like Katherine.
  • Caitlin is my favorite spelling.


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    BFP #1: 2/21/14 EDD: 10/31/14 MMC: discovered 3/31/14 (blighted ovum) D&C: 4/3/14 at 9w6d

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