I really like this name. My husband isn't exactly sure because of the media hype with Caitlyn Jenner. What do you all think? And what spelling do you prefer? I know there are several.
I prefer it with a C, and with an i instead of y. Caitlin. Looks more... grown up to me.
Married 10/4/2014 (10-4, good buddy!) Baby Boy #1 born 1/9/17 Baby Boy #2 EDD 11/4/18
"It's when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do." -Atticus Finch, To Kill A Mockingbird
Caitlin is probably one of my least favorite names of all time. It's just not for me. I think I would avoid this name right now because of the hype...but then, I'm afraid my judgement on this is clouded because of how much I dislike this name. I'd spell it Caitlin. @LizWhiz87 and I are the Y's in names czars and we do not approve this extra y.
Caitlin. I also think it's silly to avoid due to pop culture considering it's a classic name. Just like with all the people OMG I can't use Charlotte now because the princess. Um, it's classic and been popular forever.
Caitlin. I also think it's silly to avoid due to pop culture considering it's a classic name. Just like with all the people OMG I can't use Charlotte now because the princess. Um, it's classic and been popular forever.
I have been told that by a couple people now! I was like, yea I know...so??? Someone actually asked me if I knew! Of course I know! I don't live in a box!!
Caitlin. I also think it's silly to avoid due to pop culture considering it's a classic name. Just like with all the people OMG I can't use Charlotte now because the princess. Um, it's classic and been popular forever.
I have been told that by a couple people now! I was like, yea I know...so??? Someone actually asked me if I knew! Of course I know! I don't live in a box!!
I saw a post a few weeks back that someone was SO upset that William and Catherine named their baby Charlotte because *now* it was going to be so popular. It was very popular long before that baby was born...
Caitlin is probably one of my least favorite names of all time. It's just not for me. I think I would avoid this name right now because of the hype...but then, I'm afraid my judgement on this is clouded because of how much I dislike this name. I'd spell it Caitlin. @LizWhiz87 and I are the Y's in names czars and we do not approve this extra y.
I like most names with a K. it seems more classy and grown up. I am a Katherine and no one had ever asked about a C.
March 2011: Off Nuva, cycle back to "normal" for me: No periods since 15 years old.
June 2011:Provera&50 mg Clomid; Progesterone:0.7
July 2011:Provera&100mg Clomid; Progesterone:3.29
Met with RE:No Clomid response, begin injectables Sep
5 mg Letrozole and Ovidrel in the interim month. Cut out running (was a distance-runner), cycling, eliptical. Restricted to weight-training, walking, pilates. Brain MRI normal. Being physically over-stressed is the reason the body stopped producing prog.
Late Sep 2011: Menopur, Ovidrel,& IUI (10.10.11):BFN-Great injectable response: 2 mature, 6 near mature, many smaller; Problem: 9 cysts! Dr: IUI too uncontrolled for number of viable eggs & age. On to IVF! IVF ER 12.6: 37 mature eggs, 27 fertilized, froze all to avoid overstimulation; FET 1.22 (2 Grade 1)=BFN; FET 2.22 (3 Grade 2)=BFP! Beta 10dp3dt=291; 12dp3dt=644; HB 3.26!! 174 bpm: Vanishing twin almost completely absorbed 10wks
Re: Caitlyn or Kaitlyn
Baby Boy #1 born 1/9/17
Baby Boy #2 EDD 11/4/18
EDD for #1: 3/19/17
Bruce is a family name and we're sticking to it on our short list if it's a boy, regardless of the same media hype.
TTC #1: February 1, 2014
BFP #1: 2/21/14 EDD: 10/31/14 MMC: discovered 3/31/14 (blighted ovum) D&C: 4/3/14 at 9w6d
BFP #2:12/18/14 EDD: 8/27/14 Beta #1 (16 DPO): 50 Beta #2 (18 DPO): 54 CP: 12/25/14 at 5w0d
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Formally LisaG09
"Everybody wants to be happy. Nobody wants to feel pain but you can't have a rainbow without the rain."