My Mom would like to get a car seat handle cushion or pad mainly for her own use and comfort to use with our infant car seat. I'm having our 3rd baby in less than 2 weeks from now, so I should definitely get going on helping her choose a handle cushion that we might all end up loving and appreciating too. I've never been one to carry infant car seats in my elbow like that in the past, but maybe I would be if I had a comfortable handle cover this time around. I know it's supposed to be better for you anyway than trying to always carry it with your hands but that's what I did until I absolutely had to put it in the stroller or leave it in the car when they became too heavy with baby. I thought this would be a simple gear product to choose, but now that she's asked for one and help picking a good one, the selection out there seems to be slim and the reviews very mixed. She asked specifically about the Padalily. I'm not sure if someone recommended it specifically or if she happened to find it in a web search and wanted my opinion since we were texting about this yesterday. The Padalily is similiar to the Itzy Ritzy handle cover as well as many homemade styles on sites like Etsy. Then the only other ones I've seen are neoprene ones made by JJ Cole and Infantino. Some people rave over the Padlily & Itzy Ritzy ones, while others say they are actually too bulky and uncomfortable instead of helpful. The JJ Cole one I've read is "too short" and slides around though has decent padding to just be neoprene it's pretty thick. The Infantino one is a little longer for more handle coverage but thinner so not everyone likes it for that reason and also that many of these pads spin around and drive people crazy lol! The brand
Cocoonies looks really neat, but are very pricey at almost $50, but they are very well rated on their site and they are very long covering almost the entire top arch of the handle. The only problem I see with this one other than price is that it might prevent the use of the muslin car seat canopy I just purchased. The one I'm not considering is the Boppy one as it seems poorly rated across the board for the most part. Thanks if anyone can chime in because I know my Mom would really love to have something comfortable and useful especially since I'm a repeat C-section Mama and she will certainly be one of ones carrying the car seat for me for a while and pretty often as well as babysitting in a few months too here and there I'm sure.