Hi Ladies,
I see my OBGYN doctor on Thursday afternoon (40+2). At last week's visit she said that next week would start talking about inducing. After watching The Business of Being Born, the sequels, and as part of my time in L&D and NICU as a resident (I'm an ER resident who spent a month in each place, so i have had a little exposure), I would like to avoid epidurals and pitocin all together. And C sections scare me.
Anyways, I have a limited amount of time off, and I've spent the whole week chilling in my house by myself, thinking that I am one week closer to going back to work.
I was thinking about asking my OB to consider a partial induction.. like maybe cervidiol and a foley bulb, send me home and just see what happens. Last week i was 2cm and 20% effaced, not sure where i will be at this week. Does anybody have experience with this "light" version of an induction? Can I just be sent home afterwards? If I skip the pitocin is there any chance that these will be effective? I was thinking about waiting until 40+6 or 41 weeks to start, so there is a chance I may go naturally before this. Thanks.
Re: Partial Induction?
Eta: I do not have much experience with cervadil/cytotec as we don't use them for inductions. We strictly do foley then pitocin or only pitocin if the cervix is already favorable.
We do cytotec frequently for inductions. We never allow anyone to go home with a foley bulb.
You would need to be monitored in l and d for a very long time after cytotec. We only allow ppl to go home if their cytotec / cervical ripening is absolutely not working and we can consider it a failed induction. Cytotec induces a few contractions as well.
I would say your not going to be allowed to go home unless you've been there forever and it's deemed failed.
Any med they give you and send you home with is a risk.
I was 42+3 with my son 3 years ago when I was given a half dose of cytotech,.I was already contracting so it just kinda helped things along. I arrived at 10am and gave birth around 4pm. It went well it was a natural labor.