February 2014 Moms

The Bump Guidelines

BumpAdminBumpAdmin admin
edited July 2015 in February 2014 Moms
Welcome to The Bump community! We are so glad you’re here. 

Before you get started, take a sec to read our Do’s and Don’ts so you will have a great experience on The Bump.

What is The Bump Community?  

The Bump Community is a place for women and men to connect, share and chat with others who are going through - or have gone through - the same experiences. The Bump fosters a diverse community of every, race, philosophy, sexual orientation, culture, sex and gender (yes, dads are here too!) who offer diverse perspectives and advice. Please use the 72 hour waiting period between registration and posting in the community to get familiar with the forums and the guidelines below.

Please DO:

  • Read The Bump’s Terms of Use
  • Familiarize yourself with the Glossary of Terms of community acronyms.
  • Introduce yourself before posting or commenting on a board
  • Got a question? Type it into the Search Box first. It’s likely that your question has been answered before.
  • Respect the feelings and opinions of other members.
  • Welcome constructive disagreement.  Disagreement does not constitute harassment.
  • Report posts that violate The Bump’s Terms of Use or the Community Guidelines. Admins will see that more efficiently than a comment on the thread.
  • Visit The Bump to read thousands of articles on conceptionpregnancy and parenting.


  • Personally attack other members, The Bump or Group of Individuals. Admins reserve the right to act on any post or actions that they interpret to fall into the following categories:
    • Hazing new members
    • Swearing at another member to deliberately hurt or offend her/him
    • Using gifs or memes in a harassing manner in public posts or Private Messages (PMs)
    • Behaving in an excessively rude, aggressive, intimidating, profane or vulgar manner
    • Escalating a situation and/or causing a negative experience for the community
  • Ask if we think you are pregnant or post pictures of your pregnancy test to the boards. While The Bump Community is a great place to give and receive support, only your medical professionals can confirm a pregnancy or diagnose issues. *(Please note that the  “What does a positive pregnancy test look like?” thread is the only thread where members are permitted to post pictures of pregnancy tests.) 
  • Share private personally identifying information of any sort (your own or another member’s (regardless if you have their permission).
  • Share private messages, unless you are sharing it with a moderator or administrator.
  • Post links to surveys, research questions, referral links, gofundme, or any other link that benefits you in a monetary way.
  • Block moderators. They are here to help, and blocking could prevent you from receiving valuable information about the site and any issues with your posts or account.
  • Recruit members from The Bump community. However, if someone needs information that is not found on TB, it is okay to direct them elsewhere in a helpful manner.

Violation of the Terms of Use:  
Our Terms of Use contains general information about The Bump’s rules. Generally if you violate the Terms of Use, a moderator will issue a Warning. As of January 1, 2015, three warnings within six months will get you banned from The Bump; one or two warnings will have no effect on your Bump-community participation.
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