Pregnant after 35

Feeling down about lab results

Second labs are back: Good news the beta more than doubled in 48 hours from 351 to 968 Bad news: progesterone dropped from 14.2 to 11.4 so I started the progesterone supplements yesterday, but most of what I read says its not likely to help. So I go for another beta and then bite my fingernails until the first U/S in July unless I have another miscarriage before then. It feels like hurry up and wait; hurry up and wait. I'm down, I was really hoping the blood results would be awesome and there would be no reason to worry about another miscarriage - well, at least no more than I was. Still so super tired, heading to bed. Thanks for the vent.
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Re: Feeling down about lab results

  • i don't have experience with it myself...but I know several people that had progesterone issues and credit taking progesterone with them being able to continue healthy pregnancies and deliver healthy babies. 
  • I don't have experience either, but wanted to wish you well
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  • Hold out hope. I have had two successful pregnancies with the help of progesterone when my levels were low. This was after two miscarriages. Sending you thoughts and prayers for a successful pregnancy.
  • That progesterone isn't so bad yet this early in the game, and I think that supplements do hope.
    The betas, however, seem absolutely awesome!!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you...
    The waiting is probably the worst in all of it... Hang in there!
    Me: 41; DH: 49
    Married in 2010. 
    Laparoscopy for endometriosis - July 2010.
    BFP#1: Jan 2011; MMC March 2011
    BFP#2: Nov 2011; Blighted Ovum December 2011
    Diagnosed with high FSH and DOR - January 2012
    BFP#3: (Gonal-F, Trigger + TI) - May 2012; DD born Jan 2013 (c-section because of partial placental abruption)


    December 2013: FSH 27, AMH < 0.03
    A few medicated TI cycles in 2014.
    BFP#4: (Gonal-F, Trigger +TI) - Nov 2014; DS born July 2015

  • I have had 6 miscarriages and one live birth who is now 3.5. I know what you are going through. I am now pregnant again about 19 weeks with number two. The progesterone supplements did not help me nor did they sop my miscarriages. I was convinced for the longest time that was my issue. But it was something else. Prob just a bad egg and bad sperm. Most likely a bad egg since I was about 35 and had to go through some eggs before I caught a good one. Three miscarriages in a row all around 6-9 weeks. It sucks I feel for you. It's painful draining stressful. The. I got pregnant the fourth time and it stuck! On my own. No pills no shots no drugs. No intervention. A healthy pregnancy will make good progesterone. Extra progesterone will not save a pregnancy that is already failing due to chromosomal issues. Take the progesterone. It can't hurt and it might ease your mind.

    My protocol is this. Read John cohens book "coming to term" about his wife who had multiple miscarriages until she conceived on her own with patience and tender loving care. And take 100mg of b6 to boost progesterone daily.
  • Thanks everyone! I appreciate all the support. Labs done again today, we will see what happens on Monday. It's gonna be a long weekend....
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  • sidey1sidey1 member
    Just want to say good luck! I can't imagine having to wait the whole weekend, As PP mentioned, the progesterone won't save a pregnancy that's non viable but will help if you just have low progesterone, which can happen!  Your beta's seem great, I think they like to see you over 10 so you're good based on that. :)

    nate and teddy        <img src= width="150px">

    Me 43 DH 48 Not actively ttc, surprise BFP on 1/6/11! 4/1/11 m/c our sunshine at 16wks after complications from CVS test.  *5th cycle after loss 12/6/11 BFP! Missed m/c at 9 weeks 1/21/12, trisomy 14. Two Chemical PG 3/12&7/12
    ** BFP 8/16/12 beta #1 148! beta#2 407 beta #3 4000 u/s 9.10 1 lovely hb 126, Baby Boy born 5/6/2013!

    TTC #2, bpf 1/15/15 Baby Girl due Oct 1! She's here, 9/26/2015! 

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  • PlainJane8350PlainJane8350 member
    edited June 2015
    It's just my opinion, but I believe that progesterone does help. I lost a pregnancy due to trisomy 13 so when my doctor thought that I had ovulated he put me on progesterone. It was my first experience with it so I talked to a lot of people and did some research. I went back to him with the concern that if I had another unviable pregnancy, like trisomy 13, would the progesterone keep me pregnant? He said, "Yes," but that he'd rather me take that risk than lose a healthy pregnancy. With him having said that, I believe that it works!
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