June 2015 Moms

41wks, possibly lost mucus plug...

Hi ladies,
I am sorry if there is already a thread like this made, I didn't see one.
Just wanted to ask if anyone else is having/or had this...I am 41 weeks and I am in the works of scheduling my induction date.
Doc checked my cervix yesterday and it's completely closed. :( I have been having some menstrual cramp-like/belly hardening contractions but they are not too painful and pretty far apart.
However, in the middle of night last night when I went to the bathroom I lost a huge chunk of thick, white discharge. It was enought to make me wonder if it was the mucus plug...
I am just getting so anxious, I was really hoping for a spontaneous labor and not induction. I will be fine with whatever of course but just thought
I'd reach out for some support to hear from y'all...

Re: 41wks, possibly lost mucus plug...

  • My mucus plug was definitely not white. It also was very obviously my mucus plug - I had no doubt of what it was when it came. I lost it in the beginning of labor, and when it came out my contractions instantly jumped from about 6 minutes apart to about 2-4 minutes apart.

    It's important for you to know that this was just my experience. There are many ladies on here who lost theirs weeks before going into labor. But based on your description of what the discharge looked like, I don't think that was it - sorry! Best of luck with whatever happens. And try to remember that the goal is a healthy baby, and an induction might be the best way for you to get that.
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  • You might not loose your plug at all. Talk to your doctor about natural ways to induce labor; there are techniques for using a breast pump that can start things. Having sex works for some people. Maybe get a membrane sweep before trying actual induction. Going past your due date is frustrating, I understand.
      Blessed Mama to the sweetest boy in the world (11/9/13), one angel baby, and two fur babies: Mattie Dog and Stanley Cat.
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  • I lost my plug which was a cream colored mucous at about 36 weeks. My body consistently tried to regenerate it until I delivered at 39w 3d.
  • @DaveandKim08 Ive had the white mucous gradually for over a week now; im 40 weeks today and scheduled be induced a little after 41 weeks for the same reason; closed cervix.
  • I never lost mine! 
  • Lost mucous plug 3 times already and I'm almost 41 weeks...so it doesn't mean anything really. Plus, mine was not white. Mine was clearish with red tinge and snotty consistency. Good luck.
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  • Unless those contractions start in, I wouldn't consider this anything to get excited by. It may-- or it may not-- be your plug. I've lost mine twice in the past week, both times it was very very clearly the mucous plug (consistency of snot, tons of dark brown blood). No disguising or wondering for me...

    If you're reluctant to be induced, I suggest going through the steps to try and get things going on your own, as suggested above. 
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