Pregnant after 35

Due date confusion

ErinkaErinka member
edited June 2015 in Pregnant after 35
I am having trouble figuring out my due date. Generic calculators say 2/6/16 but when I use a calculator that takes into account my longer cycles (33 days) then my due date is 2/11/16. My last period began 5/2/15. Anyone else experience this? What due date should I go by?

Re: Due date confusion

  • Ceridwen77Ceridwen77 member
    edited June 2015
    You'll likely have a dating ultrasound and at that time your doctor/technician will provide your due date based on measurement. In the meantime, if you know your cycle length, use that calculation.

    Remember, due dates are just a prediction, so you shouldn't get worked up over 5 days. Your doctor won't change your due date unless it's over a week off, since this is just an estimate.
  • ErinkaErinka member
    Ok thank you!
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  • since its only a few days most likely your DR will just take the date your last period started and go by that.  Unless when they do an ultrasound should they discover something like a 2 week difference in what it calculates as a due date, they probably will just leave it according to your last period.  Due dates are approximations and a few days in one direction or another doesn't really make much difference.
  • I have to fudge my lmp date or tell them I don't know because I ovulate really late in my cycle at cd 19-21 in a 28-30 day cycle. And that means they would guess my due date was off by a week or so. This matters to me because if you go over one week past your due date they will start trying to induce you!! Forget that!! I was a week overdue with my daughter in 2011 and in reality I was right on time based on how I calculated it. They wanted to induce me at 41 weeks I refused and ended up going into labor on the day I calculated based on my ovation day!!
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