We found out today that our baby has a mild coarctation of the aorta and as such, will need to be in the NICU once he's born and possibly require surgery. Really disappointed with the news, but would like to try and wrap my head around this and prepare us as much as possible. That being said, if anyone has any advice with coping/dealing with this, it'd be much appreciated. Any ideas on what we can bring with us that could make any of this easier? How did/would you handle visitors and baby bonding?
Re: NICU prep?
@HayesRN13 a tour is a really good idea. We took one of the hospital awhile ago, but didn't really see much of NICU..We haven't spoken to the surgeon. We've been kind of getting mixed information- the specialist told us that surgery is unlikely based on what she saw and is more of a worst case scenario, but our midwife was saying that he will need surgery and that the specialist should have given us a referral and phone number to schedule an appointment. Trying to reach out to the specialist so we can make the appointment and at least understand what the surgery entails and what to expect with the transfer between NICU at our hospital and children's.
My only advice would be to connect with with others in your area who have had experiences in the NICU that your LO will be staying at. Talking to other mothers was very reassuring. Another option would be calling the NICU directly, perhaps the team there or your doctor can give you more information as well.
At our hospital, only 4 guests can be registered to visit, so this helps limits company to only those you want to come by. I think it's a great rule, it help keeps LO's safe while also giving you the space you will need. Hopefully your NICU has something similar, and if not, make rules in advance for yourself and share your intentions with the staff. Others have shared in ither threads that the nursing team will be your best defense at keeping unwanted visitors away. And don't hesitate to be direct with family and friends and let them know that they will hear from you when you are ready for visitors. If you have to choose between feeling guilty because you stepped on the toes of your friends or family, or the guilt of not giving yourself and baby the alone time you need, you will regret much more the latter of the two. So stand your ground
One of my good friends assured me that as difficult as it is to imagine leaving the hospital once baby is born and he/she can't come with you, that once you see the care and concern shown by the NICU staff it becomes possible. I've heard they are some of the most compassionate staff you'll work with, and they're patient and happy to answer questions.
It was also recommended that when people offer to help, you say yes! You'll need the help even if you don't want it, so have a 'go to' list in advance. It will allow concerned and anxious friends and family to feel like they're contributing, while also helping you out. Perhaps suggest freezer meals, a trip to the grocery store, stopping at your house to feed the pets or take them for a walk, or maybe yourself or DH will need someone to get them out of the hospital for a while so asking people to spend some time with yourself or DH for a few hours to get a coffee, etc. I know I would have likely been reaching out to DH's good friends suggesting that they go with him to the gym to go blow off some steam every few days, etc.
Good luck! And be sure that you and your partner keep self-care at the top of your list so you can be the best you can be to take care of your LO once he can return home.
@HayesRN13 We are definitely going with what the specialist said. It's really frustrating that the two are telling us different information and I'd love to tell you guys all the fun details, but I might quickly turn this thread into another angry pregnant ladies thread! Anyways, I'll definitely post updates as they come and once baby is here
@MurLindzz thanks so much for sharing all the feedback and for the thoughts and prayers!! I'm glad everything worked out well for you guys
Oh also, we did not allow any visitors while he was there other than our moms once or twice. He is 4 weeks now and we are just now starting to let family and friends come by. We were too worried about getting him sick, because he was a preemie. Just go with your intuition and don't be afraid to say to people that want to visit if you're not comfortable. His health is more important and they can visit later.
Also remember to take care of you during this time. Its a lot easier said than done but if you don't your body will feel like crap.
He was born on 6/7 @ 37 weeks. Labor went super smooth and he was born a healthy baby boy! They did the echo in NICU and did not find a coarctation or anything else wrong with his heart. He was in the NICU for a day and we were both discharged today.
Thank you all for your concerns, comments prayers and thoughts!