June 2015 Moms

Sign Language

I am curious on how many parents will be using sign language as their 1st communication language?  I have my blog, I had to redo my blog.  I lost everything! :-(

If you HAVE any questions, PLEASE ask!  I have some nice resources and I will post it on my blog soon.  I have taught many people over the years how to sign, etc.  Hopefully when our baby is arrived, I will be featuring some youtube advices on how to train to sign by both DEAF parents.  :-)

Please check it out!  Share it!


Re: Sign Language

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  • I used basic sign wish ds1, he's 3.5 now. I think it helped a TON with initial communication. we will be using it again this time with ds2 :)
  • I have taught my almost 11 month old 6-7 signs so far, and it's so helpful and fun!
  • btm013btm013 member
    This may be a silly question but at what age do you typically start signing?
  • You start as soon as possible.  Say you start breast feeding, you sign milk to the baby when she/he is awake.
  • Sammy KSammy K member
    We did this and so did our daycare and it was great!
  • Might be a silly question... But if I don't know any sign language how would you recommend going about teaching the baby? Would I just teach them as I learn as well?
    I would find it very useful for DD to know. My nephew has Down Syndrome and is autistic and he can't speak so sign language is how he communicates with us. I think it would be great for DD to be able to communicate with her big cousin.
  • The daycare center we picked uses sign language.  I'm very curious to see how that works out.  My husband and I know no sign language.  But would be very interested to start using some signs before daycare begins too (we're starting daycare at about 5 months).

    Besides signing milk before feeding, any other common signs to use during the first few months of their life?
  • ElRubyElRuby member
    We used it and will again... So wonderful to help babies communicate before they can verbally communicate... Decreases frustration and is just a great way to communicate.
  • we signed with DS and his favorite early signs were "more" "eat"and "all done"

    Big fans of baby signing time. I was torn between doing classes and getting the videos...after he took to Signing Time on Netflix, we got the Baby Signing Time videos. We joke that Rachel is his girlfriend.. He lights up when she is on! We also use the cds and sign the songs as we sing them. Highly recommend! (Warning..the songs are super catchy lol)

    Can't wait to start early with this LO.

    DS amazed me with the little things he could communicate before he could talk!
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  • So...is the idea that when they are very very young they start to recognize these signs, then when they are able to, they start to use them as well (to help communicate with you)?  How early on can they actually sign?  And before/after they can sign, it's a way you can communicate with them.
  • klkonwiklkonwi member
    edited May 2015
    @MrsWilson830 don't forget cookie!!!! Cookie is my fav
    Random thoughts....
    I grew up near Kansas school for the deaf and we were taught all throughout grade school. I didn't even know that it's not a thing that's taught everywhere! Naive ....
    Id be interested to teach LO the basics right away.
    When I worked at Dairy Queen in high school I signed to customers all the time!
  • With my daughter who is now 3 I taught her basic signs so we could communicate and so she didn't just cry for everything. I found it super helpful and will def be teaching this one signs too

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  • We did with both DD. We used Baby Einstein videos to teach us all the basics and it was super helpful. DD2 had a speech delay and I couldn't have imagined the frustration without being able to communicate at least the basics.
  • Yes yes yes. I did it with a family I used to nanny for and the girls and I would learn together. It really helped us communicate, specially during meal times! We used signing time, which I think someone mentioned and I will use it again with my LO!

  • Yes! I did it with DS and definitely plan on doing it again. I loved it. There are also a few books on signing at the library.
  • I teach preschoolers with special needs and so I use simple signs while I talk in my classroom. Therefor I feel like most likely I will be doing some without even thinking about it
  • I did with my now 8 yr old and will be with this baby too. It really helped her communicate better. She can still tell you her favorite story through sign.
  • I definitely need to look into this! Sounds so great!
  • Great thread!    Keep it rolling with advices, thoughts and questions!  I had a website that I found that would be great for everyone to use as beginner basic...then my darn phone froze and I cannot find the website.  I will have to keep on searching.  I had bought few sign language books for people that is wanting to teach their babies so I will have to find the book...it is hidden with all those brand new baby books!  :-)
  • kzeas01 said:
    Might be a silly question... But if I don't know any sign language how would you recommend going about teaching the baby? Would I just teach them as I learn as well? I would find it very useful for DD to know. My nephew has Down Syndrome and is autistic and he can't speak so sign language is how he communicates with us. I think it would be great for DD to be able to communicate with her big cousin.
    yes as you learn as well!  You could ask your sister / brother to show you how to sign like they did with him.  It is very useful in all ages.  My niece learned over 100 sign languages before she was two - she speaks a lot more than she signs :-( I miss it but she still knows some and uses it when she is with me, because sometimes she would look down talk same thing then she would get frustrated because I cannot read her lips...she is very smart LOL!!!!  So I say, sign for me please then she uses signs and gestures.  Signs and gesture/expressions on kinds of food, what is, animals, grandma, grandpa, I love you, emotions, etc.

    Say when you breastfeed - baby looks at you and you can sign MILK then feed her/him.  It's a start!
  • we signed with DS and his favorite early signs were "more" "eat"and "all done" Big fans of baby signing time. I was torn between doing classes and getting the videos...after he took to Signing Time on Netflix, we got the Baby Signing Time videos. We joke that Rachel is his girlfriend.. He lights up when she is on! We also use the cds and sign the songs as we sing them. Highly recommend! (Warning..the songs are super catchy lol) Can't wait to start early with this LO. DS amazed me with the little things he could communicate before he could talk!
    One question, netflix - what and how did you find that on the t.v. because I would want to recommend because both of my dh's mother/stepdad and step mother/dad have netflix and I definitely WANT them to know basic sign language.
  • I LOVE this idea. I'm totally following this thread for the ideas and experiences contained here, to see how people learned the signs they used with their children so I can check it out.
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  • Hi!!! I would be so very interested in learning and teaching my baby sign language! We found out she will have Down Syndrome and that usually comes with speech delays so I would love to be prepared to make everything as easy as I can and what better way to start than by being able to communicate with my little one? Any advice, helpful sites, book/movie suggestions will definitely be appreciated! Thanks in advance!!
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  • KreslaKresla member
    We will be signing. My DH has hearing aides and will probably be completely deaf in about 15 years in his good ear and less than that in his bad ear. We want to sign with baby to practice our signing but to also help out dad when hearing does go away. Besides, baby sign language is so great! My sister was taught many signs and she will still use some today!
  • Anyone started using baby sign? Anyone have good advice on where to start (a book, video, website?!) and when? My LO is 3 months now!
  • I used a bit of sign with my kids but we didn't start till about 6 months. We started while they were in the high chair, with "more" and other food words. We are very food-motivated. :)
  • Seeing this thread inspired me to start today...when I talked about myself in the third person I signed "mom" and when I talked about dad I signed it. When we were about to feed I signed "eat" and "milk" and when we switched sides I did "more" and then "all done" at the end. I'm going to do it for every feeding...they're easy enough.
    TTC: 1/2014 BFP: 9/24 EDD: 6/8/2015 Sorry for the poor man's siggy...ticker won't load regardless of how many tips I read.
  • I've been signing on and off with LO for about the last week... I've done

    (The) Alphabet - for fun as a song which he loved!

    I'm going to brush up on my words and keep this going from here on!

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