I am curious on how many parents will be using sign language as their 1st communication language? I have my blog, I had to redo my blog. I lost everything! :-(
If you HAVE any questions, PLEASE ask! I have some nice resources and I will post it on my blog soon. I have taught many people over the years how to sign, etc. Hopefully when our baby is arrived, I will be featuring some youtube advices on how to train to sign by both DEAF parents. :-)
Please check it out! Share it!
Re: Sign Language
~~~ EDD for Baby #2 6/28/15~~~~
I would find it very useful for DD to know. My nephew has Down Syndrome and is autistic and he can't speak so sign language is how he communicates with us. I think it would be great for DD to be able to communicate with her big cousin.
Big fans of baby signing time. I was torn between doing classes and getting the videos...after he took to Signing Time on Netflix, we got the Baby Signing Time videos. We joke that Rachel is his girlfriend.. He lights up when she is on! We also use the cds and sign the songs as we sing them. Highly recommend! (Warning..the songs are super catchy lol)
Can't wait to start early with this LO.
DS amazed me with the little things he could communicate before he could talk!
Random thoughts....
I grew up near Kansas school for the deaf and we were taught all throughout grade school. I didn't even know that it's not a thing that's taught everywhere! Naive ....
Id be interested to teach LO the basics right away.
When I worked at Dairy Queen in high school I signed to customers all the time!
Say when you breastfeed - baby looks at you and you can sign MILK then feed her/him. It's a start!
(The) Alphabet - for fun as a song which he loved!
I'm going to brush up on my words and keep this going from here on!