So, in May 2014, my husband and I welcomed twin baby girls. Our families threw us the nicest baby shower to prepare us for their arrival. It was a big event and we had many of our friends and family. This year, we are expecting twin girls in October 2015...what are the chances, right?? Our families would like to have a "sprinkle" for us because even though both sets of twins are girls, they will be born at different times and we would still need some of the basics for the new little ones. I feel uneasy about having a form of a shower two years in a row, but everyone keeps telling us that it's fine since we are having twins again and it's a lot to get prepared for. I wanted to see what everyone's thoughts were on the subject? Thanks!
Re: Thoughts on a baby sprinkle
Big picture, I feel that showers (which is what this is) is for first time moms. If you want to "celebrate" the baby/ies - then have a meet the baby party after they are born. Don't throw a gift giving event under the guise of "celebration".
That being said, if I was invited to such an event for a truly GOOD friend, I would probably go and happily. But I stress "good" friend. I strongly feel that if you accept this party, it needs to be kept SMALL. Close family and friends only. Not everyone you know, not everyone who was invited to the last one.
Because if people want to help you out - they can (and will) w/o being invited to a party where they are basically being told to bring you something.
I was invited to a "diaper meet and greet" once where we were to come and meet the baby and bring diapers because the baby already had, like, four older brothers! It was a bit ridiculous. However, it happened because friends wanted to throw a shower. I say if friends/family want to throw you a shower, let them. Just, as others have said, keep the guest list small.
2nd round exp 8/20/18.