Hi! I am in my 20's was diagnosed with POF in November and after taking several months to process everything and feel better my husband and I are ready to move forward. We just secured a donor from our RE's office, but are now waiting for her next cycle to start so she can begin birth control. Until then I am waiting... And wondering... Does anyone have any DE experiences they would be willing to share? How many cycles did it take? Did you transfer one or two embryos? Anyone going through that process right now?
Any advice?
Re: Donor Egg: Questions
Mommy to 5, 1st time Gestational Carrier
Transfers #1-4 2013/2014 all same DE, all CP
Transfer #5 11/16/14, new DE, transferred two fresh 5-day blasts
Beta 9dp5dt - 296 Beta 15dp5dt - 6,596! TWINS!! due 8/4/15
Admitted to hospital for preterm labor and 5cm dilated at 32 + 6
Delivered healthy baby girls vaginally at 36 + 4
Baby A 6lb10oz born at 11:58pm
Baby B 6lb11oz born at 12:04am
(different birthdays!)
Good luck!!!
TTC #1 since May 2010
OE IVF #1 9/2/13 Cancelled- poor response
DE IVF #1 3/12/14- BFP 3/17/14- ectopic, right tube removed 4/11/14 @ 7 weeks
DE FET #1 7/3/14-Transferred 2 5AA 6 day embryos Beta 7/13/14 BFN
DE FET #2 9/5/14-Transferred 2 4BB 5 day embryos Beta 9/15/14 BFN
DE FET #3 in December- Cancelled, didn't respond to meds
DE FET #3 (2nd try) 2/13/15- Transferred 1 4BB and 1 4BA 5 day embryos Beta 2/23/15 BFN again (CP)
DE FET #4 - last 2 frosties....5/22/15- Transferred 1 4BA embryo...only one frostie thawed properly. Beta scheduled for 6/1- BFN (beta 2, 2.81, 6, 23, 49.4) 6/15/15 Discovered ectopic in left tube. Methotrexate given. Moving on to a new donor. Hoping to transfer by the end of the year.
Cant find a donor that is healthy and available. Looking at being happy with just the two of us.
We transferred one 5 day blastocyst and I am currently just over 13 weeks pregnant with a singleton!
And for the OP the embryo was made from the intended parents own egg and sperm but I agreed to only one embryo transfer at a time and we were successful the first time! I just knew we would be.
I completely believe in TPR and think that some of us have to go well above and beyond to have a family and that's so ok because it was ment to be the way we go about having a family!
Good luck to you!!!
I'm hoping to use another egg donor soon. Hearing encouraging stories on here is keeping my spirits up. Thank you ladies for being so open and sharing your stories.
The other one was good enough to get frozen. Never expected but i'm pregnant! 12 weeks ultrasound yesterday showed us a tiny, perfect baby! After 6 years this is, although sometimes i still think it's not true, the most amazing thing what could happen to me. I wish you all the luck and hope for succes!!
My transfer is next week! My donor is a proven donor, in her 20s, with 2 kids already. She is having a "very active cycle". I am doing a 1:3 shared risk program for 30k. So I get 6 cyles, share eggs with 2 other women, and if I don't bring home a baby or want out at any time, I get ALL of my money back. (DE+husband's sperm). They had their own relatively small list of donors--so I didn't make myself crazy about picking the "perfect" person--but I've totally bonded with my woman, so I hope it works with her. So I pray that her eggs do wonderous things. I plan on transferring 1 egg prob the first and 2nd time, and would do more after that, if no luck. I do not want to have twins with a high risk pregnancy and risk to them, but obviously would be blessed if that happened. Good luck and happy to answer questions!
Me: 42, DH: 46, Married: 11/12
Losses: MMC#1 11/12 BO, MC#2 11/13 at 8w BO?, MMC#3 8/14 chromo healthy M @12 weeks, stopped growing at 10.
Negligible AMH, FSH finally went high. Pursued DE.
DD born at 38w2d on 5-27-16. Finally!!
Pregnant again with OE. EDD 11/9/17 Girl!
We did lots of searching for fresh donors, but felt that would be out of reach for us financially. In the end, we qualified for a "guaranteed" program that would refund 80% if not successful with a live birth after 18 months; which included 3 draws of batches of 6 eggs each. We had to go through an egg bank. I found a donor who could have been my twin! She was perfect and had 30+ eggs banked.
I did weeks of daily shots and prep. The week before the transfer the whole first batch fertilized, which they said would not happen. Three embryos made it to day six and I chose one embryo to transfer. I was tempted to have two, but didnt want to have an added health risk with twins. I went in for the transfer with the idea that it was a practice run. No stress or anxiety. I felt I was getting my body ready for the next round. I went home and climbed into bed with my dogs and kitties and slept. My rottie started sleeping with his head on my tummy that day. A week later I had mild cramping and spotting. I thought it could be implantation stuff, but dismissed it as wishful thinking. They did a blood test one morning and called my that afternoon to tell me i was indeed pregnant. I cried hard. Then I called my Husband and our mothers.
My pregnancy was almost perfect. I'd expected a crawl through hell, but i was the happiest and calmest Ive ever been. Baby is absolutely perfect. She looks a lot like my husband right now. I'm so very thankful. We hope to go through it again with the frozen embryos and have another baby.