Am looking for a new clinic. Only interested right now in iui. Anyone from twin cities and have recommendations? I feel that most places specialize towards ivf.
I did IUIs through North Clinic (both Robbinsdale and Maple Grove). I worked with several of the OBs and liked all of them, I mostly worked with a nurse practitioner who had previously worked at a fertility clinic. The only downside was for DH... the collection was not the best when they put him in an exam room with screaming kids in the next room. If you are oop they also offer cash discounts for prompt payment, this saved us a lot of $$.
One of my customers also swears by this clinic,, Dr, Marcus worked with his daughters who both had PCOS.
For me one important thing when choosing a clinic was proximity, it is helpful to not be driving all over town when you have multiple appointments over several weeks.
Good luck!
Me: 40, Hypothyroidism, well managed, TSH 1.99
DH: 44 Fine except for low morphology
TTC since 02/2013
08/13: Day 3 tests (ESTRADIOL 20.8; AMH 1.1; FSH 6.2)
12/13 HSG, all clear
11/13-5/14 - IUIs #1-3, BFNs,
6/14 to present: Taking a break, getting healthier, researching IVF
If you intend on taking meds with your IUIs (i.e. Clomid, injectables, etc.), please do not see an OB! You will find that the advice on these boards is quite consistent that OBs are good at keeping you pregnant, not getting you pregnant. Many OBs will hand out Clomid like candy, with no monitoring, which is very dangerous. If you're under 35 and have been trying for over a year, or over 35 and have been trying for 6+ months, or if you have some other condition that prevents pregnancy, then look into a RE. Some OBs will do IUIs, but again, some OBs are quite irresponsible with monitoring.
Anyway, my husband and I completed 3 IUI cycles at RMIA in Woodbury, but I do not recommend them. I have several friends who have been to CRM and have had great success! DH and I are in the process of switching to this group so I have no personal experience with this group yet, but I do hear wonderful things about their office! They have two- one in St. Paul and one in Minneapolis. They do IUIs and IVF, if you ever decide to switch to IVF.
Re: IUI in MN
Anyway, my husband and I completed 3 IUI cycles at RMIA in Woodbury, but I do not recommend them. I have several friends who have been to CRM and have had great success! DH and I are in the process of switching to this group so I have no personal experience with this group yet, but I do hear wonderful things about their office! They have two- one in St. Paul and one in Minneapolis. They do IUIs and IVF, if you ever decide to switch to IVF.
Good luck with whatever you decide!
HSG: Sept 2014, clear tubes
Dx: MFI - Low motility, morph, count (Aug. 2014); Hypothyroidism (May 2015)
Moved to IUIs October 2014
IUI #1 w/ injections: Nov 2014- BFN
IUI #2 w/ injections: Jan 2015- BFN
IUI #3.1 w/ injections: Feb. 2015, cancelled due to cysts- 10 days BCP
IUI #3.2 w/ injections: Feb/March 2015- BFN
IUI #4 w/ 100mg Clomid + Injections: August 2015- BFN
IUI #5 w/ 5mg Femara + Injections: September 2015- BFN
IUI #6 w/ 5mg Femara + Injections: October 2015 - Cancelled due low response
Moved to IVF May 2016
Retrieved 18 eggs on 05/27/2016, 13 were ICSI'd, 9 made it to day-five transfer
Transferred 2 beautiful day-five embryos on 06/01/2016, froze 7
BFP 4dp5dt on 06/05/2016! Line continued to darken beautifully!
EDD: February 17, 2017
Beta #1: 92
Beta #2: 305
Ultrasound #1 - one baby!
Ultrasound #2 - saw heartbeat!
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