Hi Ladies,
I am from the August 2015 board - my DS has club feet and borderline enlarged ventricles (9-11mm) found in the 19wk scan.
I had an Amnio, Microarray, Echocardigram and MRI done all came back normal, MRI showed same measurements for the ventricles.
Today at my follow up ultrasound although nothing has changed/increased, they are "VERY CONCERNED" there will be something wrong with my DS. They cant tell me what the possibilities are or how severe. One reason being they said not enough women have presented similar findings in which they've followed the child and found X Y or Z. However they feel he will have a syndrome that will eventually present itself.
I wanted to know if any women on here have had a similar dx in utero? If so what is it your child now Dx with?
Re: Unknown diagnosis -22 wks pregnant