April 2014 Moms

Sat poll

Jazma11Jazma11 member
edited April 2015 in April 2014 Moms
do you let LO play with toys at doctors office?

Sat poll 40 votes

Hell nah
30% 12 votes
not yet, but will let LO once they are okder
30% 12 votes
Yes, but I sanitize the toys first
2% 1 vote
Yes- doesn't worry me
37% 15 votes

Re: Sat poll

  • Okder = older :)
  • Both of my kids do. No horrible diseases yet
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  • There was no option for SS lol. My drs office doesn't have toys, but if they did, I would let DD play with them.

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  • Nope! I bring our own toys with. Some of those kids playing with the activity table look like a snotty mess; it grosses me out. Which is weird because I am pretty far from a germaphobe.
  • Being a germaphobe is too much work for me. Right now LO is usually content hanging in his stroller; our doctors office is pretty prompt. But I have no problem letting him play with toys wherever!
  • There was no option for SS lol. My drs office doesn't have toys, but if they did, I would let DD play with them.

    This exactly.
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