May 2015 Moms

Bed rest help

6 days ago I was 60% effaced and was put on light bed rest today I am 75% and 32 weeks and doctor said complete bed rest!
I am scared to even go to the bathroom not sure what to do.
How do I get thru at least another month of this?

My poor hubbie works 14hour days and we had just started painting the nursery:(

Should I hire some outside help? Cancel baby shower? I have no friends and I don't want my in laws washing my bathroom or dirty undies idk.

Any mommies have been in this position? Any tips or advice?

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Re: Bed rest help

  • I'd reach out and get as much help as you can so that you can simplify, rest and not stress. Many grocery stories (like the Giant chain) do home delivery of groceries, etc.

    I'm not on bed rest, but I've hired some outside help due to other situations we're facing with work and our son - since we don't have any family or friends within 5 hour+ drive. I found someone who comes in every other week and helps vacuum, do laundry, clean kitchen and bathrooms, take out trash. It is a total lifesaver. It was tough to have to swallow my pride and let her help with the laundry, but I got over it. Found the person through personal references of other moms in the area. 

    Take care and sending positive thoughts your way ~ 

    Baby girl born on May 15, 2015!  (DS born 2011)
  • I'm on modified bed rest and I'm going on week five or six (I've lost count at this point) but the hubby and I are actually living at my parents due to his work schedule so that I'm not alone till like 8 at night because my Mom is a teacher and is home by like 3/330 most days whereas my hubby doesn't get home till 7/730 and we also have help with cooking dinners. Also my parents live a lot closer to the hospital. It's hard not being home and not being able to really get prepared for the baby but I figure we will do everything during the first month he is here when my hubby will be off from work.

    So what I would say is yes take help in any way you can. For me living with my parents was the best option because bed rest can be lonely and hard on your husband so if you can hire or have family or friends help out use them!! I found out today at 32 weeks that I will most likely be induced by 37 or 38 weeks because of my complications so although bed rest can be boring and lonely you will get through it!!!
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  • I'm 31 weeks now and i have been on bed rest for over a month now. It has actually gone relatively fast and don't worry about getting up to use the bathroom as long as its not up and down stairs. It is boring but I suggest watching shows on Netflix or reading some books to pass the time and stay sane. We have hired maids to come every two weeks to keep the place looking and feeling clean and luckily my mom comes over pretty much daily to cook and do dishes. I'd suggest maybe getting some help from in laws even though I would struggle with doing this too... Its hard not doing anything for yourself (my pride took a major hit in this process) but just think that in a couple weeks/month you will be able to do it all again without their help. Small sacrifice to keep baby cooking for a little while longer :-/
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