6 days ago I was 60% effaced and was put on light bed rest today I am 75% and 32 weeks and doctor said complete bed rest!
I am scared to even go to the bathroom not sure what to do.
How do I get thru at least another month of this?
My poor hubbie works 14hour days and we had just started painting the nursery:(
Should I hire some outside help? Cancel baby shower? I have no friends and I don't want my in laws washing my bathroom or dirty undies idk.
Any mommies have been in this position? Any tips or advice?
Re: Bed rest help
So what I would say is yes take help in any way you can. For me living with my parents was the best option because bed rest can be lonely and hard on your husband so if you can hire or have family or friends help out use them!! I found out today at 32 weeks that I will most likely be induced by 37 or 38 weeks because of my complications so although bed rest can be boring and lonely you will get through it!!!