My son will be getting my last name. His father is very offended by this, and due to the fact that we both have long surnames that are difficult to pronounce, hyphenating is not an option. So my dad suggested that we name him Stephen, which is the father's first name, as a sort of compromise.
Stephen is also my grandfather's name, so I like the extra sentimentality. We pronounce it like Steven. My issue is that to me, it sounds like a very adult name. I don't particularly like it to begin with... let alone "Steve" or "Stevie" on a child.
He would be Stephen Robert, but my father is Rob so the nn Robbie is out. I hate Bobby/Bob. My mom suggested calling him Roy, which is another family name and one I prefer, but that's its own name, not really a nickname for Robert. But I can't find a nn I like. I guess that my issue is in naming him something I won't call him. Thoughts?
Re: ... Stephen?
@bbiutmcph He's not my boyfriend. We split before I found out I was pregnant. He will be involved with our son, but not with me. I wasn't originally planning on giving our son any names from him, but my family seems to think that is incredibly selfish. It does seem like a doable compromise, because my last name is more important to me. I just am not a fan of Stephen, unfortunately.
TTC #1 - Nov '14
DS born 10/18
@brita722 He will have my surname. Just something I'm not willing to compromise on. I would rather give him his fn. His surname is Hubbard so it's not a very good fn, otherwise that would be a great idea!
I should add that the reason I don't want to call him Stephen without a nn is that that's what he goes by, and I don't want to be reminded of my ex when I call my son.
I like PP suggestion of Stephen as middle name... But it sounds like the name Robert means a lot to you. So, what about Robert Stephen? I know you said the nn can't be Robbie, but why not? Even if your dad goes by Rob, that's not at all too close for a grandfather/grandson. Actually I think it's adorable.. Rob and Robbie.
If you were to get married, would you change your sons name too? Or yours? It just makes the most sense to have the babies name as the dads last name. He will have his dad's last name and all your future children will have their dads last name.
@4N6s Whether I changed my child's name if I ever got married would depend on a number of things. I appreciate your opinion, but it's not going to happen. As far as my last name goes, Stambaugh would make a hideous mn anyway!
It's her choice and she's going to do what makes her happy, no doubt. I wasn't trying to offend anyone.
DD born 1/24/16
TTC #2 - Jun 2017
BFP on 8/24/17
I really like Stephen. It's a family name for me, though, so I might be biased. And I don't know any kids named Stephen right now, which is a huge plus.