What are you reading and what are you playing with in the tub?
I figured I would put these two together since its kinda our bedtime routine in total! ;0)
I want to buy my LO a few books that she will have for a while and some bath toys that will encourage her to play on her own. Thanks! ;0)
Re: Bath and Books
March siggy challenge: Dream job = Playing with wolves
For bathtime, I got a tube of sea creatures at my shower that he loves! Those things are all over my house, lol. We also have this "dirty dogs" toy, the "dirt" changes colour in warm water to make the dogs all clean. LO doesn't understand it yet, but I think it's adorable!
She is really liking, moo baa la la la right now. It's by Sandra Boynton.
In the bath LO mostly likes pouring water from cups and he has a few sea animals he likes.
Proud Mommy of Derek Michael
April 8, 2014 9lb 6oz 21 inches
Anything by Sandra Boynton
Where is baby's belly button
10 little ladybugs
10 little hunny bees
Brown bear brown bear
The very hungry caterpillar
Mr brown can moo
Baby animal touch and feel
Because a little bug went ka-choo
I love you through and through
Are you my mother
10 apples up on top
I'll teach my dog a lot of words
Bear snores on
We used to read all the time but it's so tough now!! She just pulls the book out of my hand. I've tried giving her 1 book while I read another but she still wants the one I have. It's a constant battle & I can't get 1 page read. I've tried reading to her while I rock & give the last bottle but she takes the bottle out & goes for the book
My favorite books are The Pout Pout Fish and The Little Blue Truck. Ten Apples Up On Top is always a hit too.