September 2015 Moms

Heart Burn

I've had heart burn my whole pregnancy but its only getting worse. I'm 13 weeks with twins and tums isnt even taking the edge off anymore. Any mom's with a remedy?

Re: Heart Burn

  • My sister, who is a midwife, told me that papaya enzyme tablets are really helpful. She also said that sometimes we get heartburn because there isn't enough acid in our system (weird huh?!) She said putting a tablespoon of cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink can help as well. She also told me to be careful that I don't take too many Tums because you can end up getting too much calcium.  I have used the papaya with good results, but I haven't tried the vinegar. I hope you feel better! 
  • Pickle juice! And if you search the word heart burn on the board, there are lots of threads with lots of advice! Hang in there!
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  • Wow.... Now I am dying for some pickle juice!
  • I bought a soda stream and keep a bottle of plain soda water with me all the time. I find the taste of tums nauseating. In aus we have lollies called fruit tingles that are AMAZING for heartburn/ indigestion and don't leave that chalky gross taste in your mouth.
  • Tums never helped me, but i swore by Zantac for my first pregnancy. Good luck!

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