Hi! Our 2.5 yr old is in the middle of a bunch of testing right now to try and figure out why he is having such bad pains/bloating/constipation etc. His list of symptoms is huge. His first set of bloodwork came back stating that the celiac test was equivocal 12-18 (17.1). So grey area. We are currently awaiting the results of another round of bloodwork. Just wondering if anyone else out there has a little boy with celiac and what his symptoms were? I know the list of symptoms for celiac is broad and everyone is different, but I am interested to know. Thanks!
Re: 2.5 yr old celiac symptoms
DS was diagnosed when he was 17 months old. The symptoms REALLY reared their ugly head over a month's time - throwing up, diarrhea, lethargy, and then eventually losing weight.
When they finally tested his blood work, his #s were off the chart. I can't remember the specifics, but if a normal range was "15 - 30", he was over 300. There was just no question. And once we took him off gluten, with in 3 days there was a clear difference in his persona. He had been so sad and so sick and so "blah" for such a long time, and by the end of the 3 days, his energy was coming back, his spunk was there, etc.
We've never done the endoscopy. his pedi GI felt that the evidence was so strong that he didn't see a need at that time.