Baby Names


Opinions on the name Teagan? It comes from an Irish surname meaning "descendant of Tadhgan" (meaning "poet").

I love, love, love that it comes from the word for poet. That's such a cool meaning to me. I'm just not sure if I'm sold on how the name sounds. Also, it's mainly used for girls, but I'm not sure if it sounds feminine enough.

Thoughts? (Yes, my family is Irish).

Re: Teagan

  • I love Irish names, but this one is just not my style. I guess it's because it doesn't sound feminine at all, to me at least. 

    Basically, it comes down to how much you love it and if it sounds good with your surname.
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  • I like it.
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  • edited March 2015
    I love, love, love Teagan. I would have used it but my sister-in-law beet me to it when she had my nephew. He is a rough & tough little boy so it's hard for me to picture it as feminine.
    I'm not completely apposed to it on a girl though. After all, our girl name is Reese!
  • I know two little boys named Teagan and Teigan. I'm not a fan of how it sounds.
  • Not a name on my list but it's not horrible! I like the spelling Tegan better
  • It's pretty. It's not very common in my area but the few I have met have all been girls.
  • I've known a couple little girls named Teagan, it's NMS, but I think it sounds feminine enough and not over-used. 
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  • I have only known boys, ages 2 to 30, named Teagan.  The oldest one is called Teague by his friends.  Also know a doggie named Teagan--a bulldog.  I don't see it as feminine enough for a girl.  Also don't think it ages well.  There are prettier more feminine Irish names out there.
  • I have a female student (great kid) named Teagan.  I've never had a male student named this.  It makes me think of Teagan and Sarah the female singers.

    Good name.  If you love it, go for it.
  • I have a niece named Teagan. She is super spunky and girly. My sister named her from our surname "Teague". I love it on her.
  • It's not my style, but it's not bad. I definitely like it more on a girl than a boy.
  • It's not my style but my son has a girl in his class named Teagan and she's adorable. Except I think they spell it differently- Teagon.
  • 4N6s4N6s member
    I like it!
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