Baby Names

Thoughts on Penelope?

lifeisapeachlifeisapeach member
edited March 2015 in Baby Names
We have a small list of names which I have posted in the past but we don't LOVE any of them. I recently re-mentioned Penelope and DH approved (surprisingly).
I am just wondering if it is as popular as I think it is?
I feel like a lot of the names on our list are trending names and I really don't like that.

So here is the previous this:

What do you think?

Thoughts on Penelope? 75 votes

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Re: Thoughts on Penelope?

  • LNic5LNic5 member
    I like Penelope, it is getting more popular, but so are most of the other names on your list (except maybe Fiona)
  • I like Penelope! Penelope Vivian sounds very nice imo.
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  • I honestly hate the name Penelope. Like, nails-on-a-chalkboard hate it. It makes me think of a dainty, prissy little debutante nibbling on tea sandwiches. I like Violet or Fiona so much better.

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  • I honestly hate the name Penelope. Like, nails-on-a-chalkboard hate it. It makes me think of a dainty, prissy little debutante nibbling on tea sandwiches. I like Violet or Fiona so much better.

    Haha! What funny imagery.

    I also can't stand the name Penelope, especially nickname Penny. Yuck! Makes me think of Penny on 'The Big Bang Theory' who (in my opinion) is a detestable character... a completely self absorbed, delusional, user.

    Besides, Penelope is absolutely as popular as you think it might be and more! She will be one of at least 3 or 5 in her class. You can do better. Of your list, Violet (also gaining popularity, but at least a lovely name) and Fiona are my favorites.
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  • Will there be 3 or 5 in her class. No.  WIll she run into other Penelope's? Yes. 2013 it was 56 and likely higher in 2014 but that being said it is a nice solid name with a lot of nn potential, Poppy being my favorite. 

    Violet, Hazel, Vivian and Clara honestly all rank similar.   Currently all with huge increases, but they are all great names.  Fiona is less popular now but it still has had recent increases as well. 

  • My morbidly obese 70 year old female boss is named Penelope, so that's all I think of when I hear the name lol
  • Penelope the pig - enough said
  • I like Penelope OK. But from your lost I would definitely pick Clara (that's my DD's name) or Violet (that's on my list this time). I also like Hazel though too.
  • Love Penelope! I also like Fiona and violet from your list. Names aren't like they used to be. There are so many spelling variations that 56 still won't generate 3-5 in her class. Same goes for any name. It is trending up, but there are many nicknames which help



  • I love the name Penelope and the nickname options available. It might be growing in popularity but not as much as some other names.
  • Penelope Violet <3
  • I like Penelope. My friend named her daughter Lucille Penelope. I think it's cute!
  • I honestly hate the name Penelope. Like, nails-on-a-chalkboard hate it. It makes me think of a dainty, prissy little debutante nibbling on tea sandwiches. I like Violet or Fiona so much better.

    This cracks me up, because I feel the same way about Violet and Fiona.


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  • ^ Just not the nails on a chalkboard part.


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