Hi all,
As the big day approaches, I'm a bit panicked I may not have enough time in the next 11 weeks to get to all the classes I'd like to cover (baby care/CPR, lactation and birthing), so I've been trying to look for good videos to watch online.
Do you have any favorites? It would be great if we could compile a list of reliable ones. I'll add things to this thread as I come across them too.
Thanks in advance!
Re: Videos instead of birth/lactation/baby care classes?
My DH was very interested in this video series and downloaded all of them for us - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunstan_Baby_Language.
Here's the one of the videos :
Hmm... I didn't realize they weren't free... :-S (maybe you can find the rest for free, if interested)
ME: 40, DH: 44, stopped BCPS 1/2013, TTC #1 2/2013, AMH 0.4, started acupuncture: 7/2013,
BFP: 10/07/2013; MC 10/15/2013 @ 7 wks (natural), focused on health issues for 7 months.
TTC again: 6/2014, 2nd round Letrozole, BFP 7/7/2014!!! --- EDD 3/18/2015!!! DS born 3/13/2015
a cpr class is something you really should do hands on, I would say.
an infant care class probably isn't necessary for most people. As long as you have babysat or been around small children, you probably know it all already. Plus mommy instinct is pretty strong. If there is anything you are not sure on, ask your hospital nurses while there and the pediatrician should be there everyday to check your baby and they will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
For birthing my best advice is this: Relax into your contractions. Do not stiffen up or get stressed with each. Instead when a contraction starts make yourself go limp. Feel as if you are melting into your contraction as they grow and peak, making yourself limper and more relaxed from head to toe.
Also, welcome each contraction because it makes you one closer to the end! Don't get upset that they are getting stronger and harder and longer...instead be glad...you are getting nearer to done!
When pushing, get your upper body as upright as possible if you are required to be lying down, semi upright. (If not definately go for a squatting position). Drop your head and chin as close to your abdomen as possible touching your chest with your chin. your face should not be squinted, red, stressed at all. If it is you are wasting efforts where it will do no good (in your face) and you will break blood vessels that will make you red splotted for days. Instead push through your belly and downward into your bottom. basically like you were trying to poop! Keeping your head tucked really helps isolate the correct muscles. Give it your all! Push hard then try to push even harder and harder. The more you give it the quicker you will be done!
Other than that, you will be instructed by the dr and nurses what to do and when.
Childbirth: I never took a class, but I rented 'Laugh and Learn about Childbirth' from the library, I thought it was helpful. I like this video for breathing techniques during labor. (I had medfree/natural births and relied on these breathing techniques to get through contractions)