February 2015 Moms

Lost puppy!

hello! This is my first and I feel like a lost puppy! I have no idea what I need to pack or what is important to bring. I'm just stressing out feeling like I'll never be ready for my little bundle of joy to come and I'm already 39 weeks! I know I want to breast feed but never took classes because I just moved to California from Colorado to be with my family. Baby dad won't be in the picture so this is something I will do on my own! Any suggestions for me? Any advice would be amazing! (: and thank you in advance!

Re: Lost puppy!

  • There's a thread that you can look up that's all about the hospital bag. Pinterest and Google both have excellent suggestions and check lists. For me, it came down to what I was comfortable bringing. I'm pretty sure I have way too much, but that's always how I've packed and what I'm most comfortable with. I read the Mayo Clinic's guide to pregnancy - which has some great info on birth, breastfeeding, and other common symptoms and is exceptionally well organized - as well as their guide to baby's first year - which has breastfeeding and postpartum information as well as lots of information on baby, development, common concerns, etc. Education is key for me to feel most prepared and relaxed. I'll bet that your hospital has free classes available to take and I would look online or call them to get into as many as you can before birth, but I would make finding a breastfeeding resource your first priority. The La Leche League website should be able to help you connect to other moms, leaders, and consultants in your area.


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  • Your hospital may also have a lactation consultant there to get you started. You can ask after delivery.
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  • Lactation consultants are incredibly helpful. I always bring the most basic stuff for my hospital bag.
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