Baby Names

First name help

My dh and I have both lost a strong female role model in our lives and would love to honor them in our child's name. One is named Gloria and the other Joanne so we were thinking of combining them into Glorianne. I'm not crazy about it as a first name but would love to use it as a middle name, I'm just not sure of a first name that goes well with it. Any suggestions?

Re: First name help

  • I actually like Gloria Joanne as a name. Is that an option? Glorianne would be okay for a MN but I'm not crazy about it as the FN
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  • We don't like the names separately. I have suggested Glorianne Mae but dh is adamant against Glorianne as a first name.
  • What about Julianne? It's similar sounding enough that maybe it could work in honor of both?
    Or what about GJ or JG as initials?

    I think you could pick just about any first name with it as a middle name, since the sentimental value trumps flow.
  • I like the sentiment behind Glorianne as a middle name.


    Hazel Glorianne
    Iris Glorianne
    Serena Glorianne
    Fiona Glorianne
    Elizabeth Glorianne

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  • I think it's fine for a middle name, not for a first name.

    Violet Glorianne
    Lily Glorianne
    Olivia Glorianne
    Elise Glorianne
    Ivy Glorianne
    Ava Glorianne
    Noelle Glorianne
    Mila Glorianne
    Lea Glorianne
    Clara Glorianne
    Nora Glorianne
    Isla Glorianne
  • Ramona Glorianne
    Holly Glorianne
    Lucinda Glorianne
    Dorothy Glorianne
    Cora Glorianne
    Teresa Glorianne
    Victoria Glorianne
    Audra Glorianne
    Maeve Glorianne
    Fiona Glorianne

    I personally think Glorianne is really bad. You can't honor everybody with one baby. I think it would be better to pick a first name you both love, and then use either Gloria or Joanne as the MN depending upon which one flows better with your favored FN. 
    Married 9-4-04

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  • I love that as a MN!
  • What about Glojo?

    Just kidding. Not a fan of Glorianne. If you must honor them both, why not have two middle names?
  • Joan Gloria
  • please dont give your baby a made up smoosh name...please!
  • @magsugar13‌ it's not a made up name. I've worked in geriatrics where it was a fairly common name. And it would be used as a middle name, not a first name. Thanks for your concern.
  • @magsugar13‌ it's not a made up name. I've worked in geriatrics where it was a fairly common name. And it would be used as a middle name, not a first name. Thanks for your concern.

    It is 100% made up you yourself said you combined two names in your OP. It's not common and I work with the elderly and have for 10 years. Even Gloria and Joanne aren't super popular.

  • magsugar13magsugar13 member
    edited February 2015
    @magsugar13‌ it's not a made up name. I've worked in geriatrics where it was a fairly common name. And it would be used as a middle name, not a first name. Thanks for your concern.
    It is made up and if you feel the need to tell yourself otherwise feel free. You said it yourself.
    One is named Gloria and the other Joanne so we were thinking of combining them into Glorianne. 
    Behind the name has no history of it. I do love the added touch of the geriatric population. Thanks for trying.
  • @magsugar13‌ it's not a made up name. I've worked in geriatrics where it was a fairly common name. And it would be used as a middle name, not a first name. Thanks for your concern.

    I think I've known an older lady named this as well. But even if it IS a made-up name, I don't see why that matters. You seem to love it and it's just a middle name. I view middle names as the place to get creative (it's not like she'll ever put it on a resume or anything..)

    I say go for it!!
  • @bbiutmcph‌ & @magsugar13‌ I never said that it was made up, just that we were combining them (similar to Julianne). And I've met quite a few Gloriannes working at the places I have. Maybe it's just more common in the areas where I have lived.
    Please don't put words into my mouth or make assumptions. Thank you.
  • My dh and I have both lost a strong female role model in our lives and would love to honor them in our child's name. One is named Gloria and the other Joanne so we were thinking of combining them into Glorianne. I'm not crazy about it as a first name but would love to use it as a middle name, I'm just not sure of a first name that goes well with it. Any suggestions?

    @bbiutmcph‌ & @magsugar13‌ I never said that it was made up, just that we were combining them (similar to Julianne). And I've met quite a few Gloriannes working at the places I have. Maybe it's just more common in the areas where I have lived. Please don't put words into my mouth or make assumptions. Thank you.
    Combining two names = making up a name.  Glorianne is not a real name it is 100% made up.  There is zero history to it.  Sure someone might have the name but it doesn't make it any less made up.  Names,  like words have history.  Due to many users leaving and deleting their entire history a lot of the sticky post on the top of the page is missing but it still is true and there still is a lot of good points in it.  Also it's a public message board you can't dictate responses.  You're  welcome. 

  • Why do people get so angry and defensive about made-up/newer names vs. traditional names? I find it quite strange. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but there's a group on here that just seems to get fighting mad about it. It's just so silly and odd to me. (This is a generic comment, not directed at anyone particular!)
  • Kate0034 said:
    Why do people get so angry and defensive about made-up/newer names vs. traditional names? I find it quite strange. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but there's a group on here that just seems to get fighting mad about it. It's just so silly and odd to me. (This is a generic comment, not directed at anyone particular!)
    Because it's a baby name board on a community with several regular members who very much enjoy names, their history and usage.

      Would you walk into an established group IRL and say things are silly that they  are passionate about?  Also when naming a child wouldn't you prefer to give them an actual name with history that looks educated when heard and on paper?  There are actual studies on people who have misspelled names and made up names vs people that have youneek (in case you don't know that is on purpose) spellings and names.  Danielle is likely going to get called over Danyiellie.  It's just a fact. People post on a public board asking strangers opinions.  When I ask opinions I would much prefer to hear the good, the bad and the ugly rather than everyone say every name is wonderful, how helpful is that?

  • bbiutmcph said:

    Kate0034 said:

    Why do people get so angry and defensive about made-up/newer names vs. traditional names? I find it quite strange. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but there's a group on here that just seems to get fighting mad about it. It's just so silly and odd to me. (This is a generic comment, not directed at anyone particular!)

    Because it's a baby name board on a community with several regular members who very much enjoy names, their history and usage.

      Would you walk into an established group IRL and say things are silly that they  are passionate about?  Also when naming a child wouldn't you prefer to give them an actual name with history that looks educated when heard and on paper?  There are actual studies on people who have misspelled names and made up names vs people that have youneek (in case you don't know that is on purpose) spellings and names.  Danielle is likely going to get called over Danyiellie.  It's just a fact. People post on a public board asking strangers opinions.  When I ask opinions I would much prefer to hear the good, the bad and the ugly rather than everyone say every name is wonderful, how helpful is that?

    I very much enjoy names, their history, and usage as well. I don't at all think it's silly to be passionate about names. I simply said that getting so upset about others' name choices seems silly to me.

    Nothing you said above do I disagree with. I would never name a child Danielle spelled Danyiellie.
  • bbiutmcph said:

    My dh and I have both lost a strong female role model in our lives and would love to honor them in our child's name. One is named Gloria and the other Joanne so we were thinking of combining them into Glorianne. I'm not crazy about it as a first name but would love to use it as a middle name, I'm just not sure of a first name that goes well with it. Any suggestions?

    @bbiutmcph‌ & @magsugar13‌ I never said that it was made up, just that we were combining them (similar to Julianne). And I've met quite a few Gloriannes working at the places I have. Maybe it's just more common in the areas where I have lived.
    Please don't put words into my mouth or make assumptions. Thank you.

    Combining two names = making up a name.  Glorianne is not a real name it is 100% made up.  There is zero history to it.  Sure someone might have the name but it doesn't make it any less made up.  Names,  like words have history.  Due to many users leaving and deleting their entire history a lot of the sticky post on the top of the page is missing but it still is true and there still is a lot of good points in it.  Also it's a public message board you can't dictate responses.  You're  welcome. 

    I understand that names are like words and have meaning to them, I am not a child, nor am I uneducated; however, just because you have never heard of it before (in what I can only assume is a smaller town), and I stated the we were combining names to honor two people, does not qualify the name as made up. And even if it were a made up name it would still bear the meaning of my grandmother and mother in law. You can google the name of you would like "real life" examples.
    I'm not trying to dictate anyone's response, I'm just looking for a little respect as you have gone off topic.
    Thank you to those who did reply honestly and without judgement, as the name is to honor two recently deceased.
    I will not be returning to this post.
  • I actually live in the largest city in my state and see a lot of names, I side eye a lot of names as well.    Combining two names does in fact mean you are creating a new name.  Behind the name is probably the best resource when it comes to names. It is not a name there.  Again just someone has the name doesn't mean it isn't a made up name.  THere are a bazillion smoosh names right now, everyone is adding lynn to everything, it doesn't make them any less made up.  Also google doesn't help prove it's not made up. Many people were honest and said it wasn't good, you should choice one and it is made up.  Just because they might not have been what you want to hear doesn't mean they weren't valid honest opinions. 


    There is actually a history. Just FYI

    As posted many times this is not a legit site any site can post names. I could make up a site and post baby names . If you want a true source behindthename is the most accurate. Thinkbabynames, she knows, etc are like yahoo answers in terms if credibility.

  • ^^ The last post by OP actually helps make my point (or, the point I was trying to make). She came here looking for first name ideas. Rather than help her with that, people began to attack her middle name. Yes, this is a public forum where people seek advice and they should take what they get... But what if they don't ask for advice on a particular name? Aren't we then just being rude to butt in? @juliaandpatrick‌ seems happy about her middle name choice and wasn't looking for opinions on it. We didn't give her what she asked for.

    As I stated a few comments back, I think the pettiness is silly. And no, @bbiutmcph‌ I don't think passion about names is silly. I am very passionate about names. But the truth is, not ALL names were once an actual word. Many names are variations on original words/names. Names adapt, evolve, and change through the years. We tend to accept them if BTN says it's been around 100 years. But who says newer variations aren't possible and can't become accepted as legitimate?

    Personally, I agree with you ladies. My own preference is for my children to have established names with tradition and history. But if another mom doesn't share that passion, I'm not going to attack her choices.

    Some of you may argue that you can't sit idly by and watch a mother stick her child with some awfully tacky youneek name that will turn off employers and hurt her professional life. I agree. But using "Glorianne" as a MN is a perfect example of what I'm talking about.. There is absolutely no harm in this name.

    Sorry this is so lengthy, but I wanted to clarify my original comment in hopes that I didn't offend anyone. That's not my goal.
  • OP, I'm not a fan of Glorianne. How about Glorianna. Which is definitely not unheard of. Or I would just pick a different name of those initials. If we have a boy we will be naming him after my deceased FIL but we are changing the middle name to a name that still starts with the same letter as his did.
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