My dh and I have both lost a strong female role model in our lives and would love to honor them in our child's name. One is named Gloria and the other Joanne so we were thinking of combining them into Glorianne. I'm not crazy about it as a first name but would love to use it as a middle name, I'm just not sure of a first name that goes well with it. Any suggestions?
Re: First name help
Or what about GJ or JG as initials?
I think you could pick just about any first name with it as a middle name, since the sentimental value trumps flow.
Hazel Glorianne
Iris Glorianne
Serena Glorianne
Fiona Glorianne
Elizabeth Glorianne
Violet Glorianne
Lily Glorianne
Olivia Glorianne
Elise Glorianne
Ivy Glorianne
Ava Glorianne
Noelle Glorianne
Mila Glorianne
Lea Glorianne
Clara Glorianne
Nora Glorianne
Isla Glorianne
I say go for it!!
Please don't put words into my mouth or make assumptions. Thank you.
Combining two names = making up a name. Glorianne is not a real name it is 100% made up. There is zero history to it. Sure someone might have the name but it doesn't make it any less made up. Names, like words have history. Due to many users leaving and deleting their entire history a lot of the sticky post on the top of the page is missing but it still is true and there still is a lot of good points in it. Also it's a public message board you can't dictate responses. You're welcome.
I very much enjoy names, their history, and usage as well. I don't at all think it's silly to be passionate about names. I simply said that getting so upset about others' name choices seems silly to me.
Nothing you said above do I disagree with. I would never name a child Danielle spelled Danyiellie.
I understand that names are like words and have meaning to them, I am not a child, nor am I uneducated; however, just because you have never heard of it before (in what I can only assume is a smaller town), and I stated the we were combining names to honor two people, does not qualify the name as made up. And even if it were a made up name it would still bear the meaning of my grandmother and mother in law. You can google the name of you would like "real life" examples.
I'm not trying to dictate anyone's response, I'm just looking for a little respect as you have gone off topic.
Thank you to those who did reply honestly and without judgement, as the name is to honor two recently deceased.
I will not be returning to this post.
There is actually a history. Just FYI
As I stated a few comments back, I think the pettiness is silly. And no, @bbiutmcph I don't think passion about names is silly. I am very passionate about names. But the truth is, not ALL names were once an actual word. Many names are variations on original words/names. Names adapt, evolve, and change through the years. We tend to accept them if BTN says it's been around 100 years. But who says newer variations aren't possible and can't become accepted as legitimate?
Personally, I agree with you ladies. My own preference is for my children to have established names with tradition and history. But if another mom doesn't share that passion, I'm not going to attack her choices.
Some of you may argue that you can't sit idly by and watch a mother stick her child with some awfully tacky youneek name that will turn off employers and hurt her professional life. I agree. But using "Glorianne" as a MN is a perfect example of what I'm talking about.. There is absolutely no harm in this name.
Sorry this is so lengthy, but I wanted to clarify my original comment in hopes that I didn't offend anyone. That's not my goal.