Cloth Diapering

Critique my FTM cloth stash

babybean9babybean9 member
edited February 2015 in Cloth Diapering
Hey everyone! I'm a first time mom due in June and have the following for my stash and would really appreciate thoughts and recommendations:

24 GMD newborn prefolds
4 GMD newborn workhorses

24 GMD small prefolds
4 GMD small workhorses

12 GMD medium prefolds
2 GMD medium workhorses

12 GMD large prefolds
2 GMD large prefolds

15 bum genius 4.0 pocket diapers

2 newborn bummis covers
3 thirsties size 1 covers
1 rumparooz one size cover

48 bummis cloth wipes
Pail liner
Medium wet bag
CJ's spritz and BUTTer
3 pack of size one snappis

I've been waiting to see what covers will work best for baby so haven't bought any size 2 covers yet. I also want to purchase Canadian/American made, so that's a bit of a limitation. (I know the rumparooz is made in China though!)

Thanks so much.

Re: Critique my FTM cloth stash

  • I'd get more NB prefolds if you can. You can get by with what you have, because prefolds can go in the dryer, but it'd be easier with 30-36 NB changes. I had 18 last time and washed daily til OS fit, but I'm getting a full stash this time.
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  • Also, I'd get a diaper sprayer.  If your kid is going to daycare, I'd buy a few more wetbags.  I found the easiest for me is to have 5 medium wetbags.  I take them all to daycare at the begining of the week and just take a full one home each day.

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  • I think you have enough prefolds because you can make a larger size fit, although it will be more bulky. So you can use small prefolds if all newborn are in the laundry. Depending on the size and shape of your baby, you might need more newborn covers. I used newborn and thirsties size 1 for my son, but a friend had a baby who was so thin the size 1 didn't fit. I would wait until baby arrives before buying more. You can hand wash covers if needed.
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