Hey everyone! I'm a first time mom due in June and have the following for my stash and would really appreciate thoughts and recommendations:
24 GMD newborn prefolds
4 GMD newborn workhorses
24 GMD small prefolds
4 GMD small workhorses
12 GMD medium prefolds
2 GMD medium workhorses
12 GMD large prefolds
2 GMD large prefolds
15 bum genius 4.0 pocket diapers
2 newborn bummis covers
3 thirsties size 1 covers
1 rumparooz one size cover
48 bummis cloth wipes
Pail liner
Medium wet bag
CJ's spritz and BUTTer
3 pack of size one snappis
I've been waiting to see what covers will work best for baby so haven't bought any size 2 covers yet. I also want to purchase Canadian/American made, so that's a bit of a limitation. (I know the rumparooz is made in China though!)
Thanks so much.
Re: Critique my FTM cloth stash
Factor V Leiden Homozygous, Advanced Maternal Age
TTC #1, 5 yrs, PCOS, Femera + Ovidrel.
IUI#3 BFP, DD 5/31/2012
TTC #2, 2 yrs, PCOS, Femera+Ovidrel