
One ovary remains and its Cyst prone. New found Low Progesterone- Lonley

edited January 2015 in Infertility
Hey all! Im new to this site and this board. I hope to find some support because I feel alone and discouraged. Quick back story. I have had my right ovary removed to reoccurring large cysts. I since have no been able to conceive at all. No BFP for over 3 years. My only ovary remaining is now the ovary the develops cysts every month , some months they are hemmoraggic (chocolate or bloody) and others are clear fluid. they range from 3-6cm every month. I now see an RE after my obgyn put me on clomid 50mg for two cycles which resulted in ohhs *hyperactive ovary with multiple large cyst*- So WARNING ladies! Clomid shortened my normal 28 day cycle to 19 days and then 21 and 23 days. - - -This cycle my RE was monitoring a lingering 6.3 cm chocolate cyst that was left over from the clomid getting out of my system- I came in on CD 15 with an ultrasound showing s different cyst completely that measured 4.2 cm and just had some slight cloudiness to it. She was wondering if that was a corpus luteum cyst and we did blood work- Progesterone came back at 6.1 so they said I was ovulating. I went back on CD 21 for blood work with my progesterone being 8.2 which they said was low and put me on progesterone suppositories for 7 days - So i am to return for a beta hcg on cd 28 which is Tuesday to check for pregnancy- If any of you have been on the progesterone- The side effects mimick early pregnancy signs to the MAX- sore boobs nausea, dizziness, etc. -Its just hard for me to feel this way and know that I could still get negative results.- I feel alone and sad-
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