1st Trimester

Pregnant and have a 9 month old.. Anyone else?

I'm excited I'm pregnant and it's a good thing but that doesn't mean I'm not terrified lol!! My husband and I wanted our kids to be 2 years or less apart. I was aiming for closer to two years but we weren't really preventing. I just found out I'm pregnant and the morning sickness is kicking in (especially when I'm pumping milk in the morning for my daughter.) So I will hAve been pregnant in 2013 2014 (April baby)and 2015 lol. Lol I know people will be shocked for sure when I'm ready to tell. Being pregnant as a first time mom was nice because I could pass out when I got home from wor.. Not so much now! Lol. Anyonepregnant And have a baby?

Re: Pregnant and have a 9 month old.. Anyone else?

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    My best friend found out she was pregnant when her son was 5 months old. Now they are about to be 2 and 3 and she did just fine. Of course there were stressed out moments and will probably always be! But good luck!
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    I'm pregnant with fur babies and a husband.... could be just as stressful but I can't compare yet. lol!
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    hii ! i am almost 3 months pregnant and have a 6 month old DD !!! i was on the pill and i still fell preg! happy but a little nervous at the same time.. x GL with your preg
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    Same boat. My babies will be 18 months apart. I wanted them to be 1 year or 2 years apart but surprise, 1.5 right in the middle. Ah well. It's going to be a busy few years but worth it for them having a playmate and hopefully best friend. Good luck!!
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    I am pregnant 11w5d with my second... My daughter is 11 months... She will be 1 feb 24th. I am very nervous! My daughter loves all the attention. I'm trying to teach her but it's very hard! Especially when she holds her breathe and throws her head back. This is from her nanas doing!
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    Just got a positive pregnancy test. My LO is 4 months old. So they will be 13 months apart. Whoops! We wanted 2 years apart too!
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    I am pregnant with our fourth. Our first two are 16 1/2 months apart the second two are 17 1/2 months apart and then the youngest two will be 25 months apart. It is very doable! We love how close in age our kids are. They are such close buddies. It's also nice that they can share clothes and toys. Their interests are so much the same because they are all close in age. You do fine!
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