I'm going to get my certification in March and not sure what else I'll "do" with it after. I know I will help out friends when they need it, maybe host some car seat checks through some mommy groups or our schools, and volunteer through the local Safe Kids place where I'm getting my certification. But that's about all I can think of. I really want to do it because I'm passionate about it. I have some friends interested in going too, but they are curious what else they will "use" it for. Any advice?
September 2015 Siggy Challenge - Happy Dance
Re: Any CPSTs here??
Baby Boy due October 2017
Gotta love auto correct
Baby Boy due October 2017
I am on the CSFTL page often. I've learned so much!
@asmallwonder for the classes you teach do you develop the class yourself or is there a guide out there to go by for courses? I'd love to be involved in teaching some classes like that through groups or our schools (because I see a lot of wrong daily) but I am not a teacher by nature.
Thanks for the information! I asked this in the CSFTL group recently but it got skipped over I think with how fast the group moves.