I have a rant for today... I am so pissed at DH because he decided to go to an afternoon meeting all day which required him to do all his chores this morning, come in for half an hour for breakfast and then leave for the rest of the day. Then when he gets home he will have to go straight back to the barn for chores until after 8 pm if I'm lucky! I have repeatedly made comments to him about getting out of the house (but he would need to be here with DS1 because I'm not ready to wrangle both boys by myself) and he still had not clued in to help me!!! I'm so sick of his selfishness!!! The worst part is that he went to this meeting with our hired guy who he doesn't like and I also don't like because he is lazy and super douchy I would have preferred he went out to a bar with his friends because at least the company would be worth pissing me off. Oh and I forgot to mention that whole my parents were away the same hired guy told DH to sleep at their house so he could get a better night sleep away from me and the boys! Talk about rubbing me the wrong way.... I desperately need to get out of my house!!! It's been almost two weeks.
Rant over.
Tomorrow we have to drive to Toronto (1 hour 45mins) for LO's circumcision so i guess I will be finally getting out tomorrow but we have to leave around 4 am to avoid rush hour and be on time for our appointment. My mom will be staying with DS1 thankfully because it would not be a fun day to hang out with us at a paediatric clinic. I'm also not looking forward to another sleepless night and then drive to T.O.
Owen had his first pediatrician appt this morning and he said he looks great! The dr was very impressed at his number of pees and poops in the last 24 hours. He said "Your milk must have really come in." Uhhh yeah. Like WAY in. Like painfully in.
I'm concerned about potential mastitis actually. Each boob has a red patch and they're both still pretty rock hard and warm. I have implants, and I think that's part of the problem. He's BFing really well, supply isn't an issue. Just uncomfortable.
I am going to go stir crazy staying at home with my LO. It has only been 2 weeks and I have been able to make a few trips to the store while DH watches her but its not enough!
DS2 had his first pedi appointment today and checked out great! He lost 5% of his body weight since birth, but that's normal for 6 days old, so the doctor wasn't concerned. Yay!
DH went into work for a few hours, so I'm here with both boys. We've had some hard moments like when they pooped at the same time and DS2 was hungry and crying while I changed diapers, but everyone is fed and happy now. Yay!
DD has been super fussy and awake today. Like, she's won't sleep longer than 10 minutes straight and she MUST be in my arms at all times. She isn't even happy in the Moby, which is usually her favorite. This is not making this whole "being a mom of three" very easy....
My house is a wreck, and it's driving me insane because I want to clean, but can't with Miss Fussypants!
@backseatdriver sending positive vibes your way, and a hug if you want it I was pretty nervous my first day alone, and the kids drove me a little nuts but it turned out fine.
Thanks! Thankfully so far so good. And both kids napped at the same time!
Dec '12 & Jan '15
I could hold you for a million years
to make you feel my love.
I went to a local moms group at a breastfeeding center near my house. I am so glad I went and would highly recommend everyone try to find something similar, especially those struggling with the blues! So much support and info, you don't even need to be breastfeeding.
@heidih21 it's recommended for all babies up here in Canada to give vitamin d drops. It's pretty easy to do especially if you LO takes a pacifier, you can just put the drop on there. Or if you are breast feeding, you just put a drop on your nipple
I'm 40+2 today and just got home from the doctor. Still 50% effaced (& have been since 36 weeks), still 0 dilated, baby's head is very low... Baby girl has 2 1/2 more days to give me a chance at a VBAC. RCS is now scheduled for Friday morning at 7:30am at 40+5 days. Happy to have an end date in sight to meet this little lady, but feeling bummed that I'll probably not get to experience labor and a vaginal delivery.
Trying to pack for a week vacation for three people is tiring. I'm just staring at the mound of clothes I have folded in front of me.
@violetgjoni I miss jeans too. DH told me to go buy some that fit, but I can't justify spending the $ when I know I will be back into some of my jeans in a month or two. On that note, I hate that I will be wearing maternity clothes in vacation. (
I got you beat @megan81112, I'm 30 lbs lighter than my pre pregnancy. (Thanks to severe morning sickness and GD controlling everything I ate.) lol, I'm in some of my older jeans. But my belly still sticks out, so I'm guessing I'll need to buy smaller ones eventually. For now, the belly fits in my old jeans but the legs are comically baggy in some of them. Gotta post baby bodies!
I got up from the couch, felt a gush...stopped for a second to think this out. "Was that my water that broke? " so I laid down, felt another trickle. Went to check.... nothing!
I was shocked when they told me. I do absolutely nothing to drop the weight. I'm actively stuffing myself with chips and dip as I type this. Predinner snack.
It sure is a load of something or other. I can basically guarantee that empathy and mods to relate to us will not exist anymore. It sounds like the paid mods will basically be policing for the bad apples from their cubicles. I think this was a very bad move. Something that made the boards welcoming and supportive are the mods and members alike who could relate.
It sure is a load of something or other. I can basically guarantee that empathy and mods to relate to us will not exist anymore. It sounds like the paid mods will basically be policing for the bad apples from their cubicles. I think this was a very bad move. Something that made the boards welcoming and supportive are the mods and members alike who could relate.
I agree it's a pretty bad move. Makes me sad how much they changed the bump.
39 weeks check up: 60% effaced /. 0 station. / not dilated. She said his head is right there. I think she pissed him off now it feels like he is trying to claw his way out! Uugghh
DH's identity got stolen. He's gotten like 6 letters about accounts he didn't try to open. Called the credit reporting agencies and put a fraud alert on his identity. Tomorrow we'll run his reports to see how many accounts actually got opened so we can start disputing.... F'ing awesome.
DH's identity got stolen. He's gotten like 6 letters about accounts he didn't try to open. Called the credit reporting agencies and put a fraud alert on his identity. Tomorrow we'll run his reports to see how many accounts actually got opened so we can start disputing.... F'ing awesome.
My DH was just telling me there were a huge number of people who had their identities stollen last year on their taxes. Like, people submitted their tax claims only to find out that someone had already submitted in their name
Re: Tuesday Randoms
I am so pissed at DH because he decided to go to an afternoon meeting all day which required him to do all his chores this morning, come in for half an hour for breakfast and then leave for the rest of the day. Then when he gets home he will have to go straight back to the barn for chores until after 8 pm if I'm lucky! I have repeatedly made comments to him about getting out of the house (but he would need to be here with DS1 because I'm not ready to wrangle both boys by myself) and he still had not clued in to help me!!! I'm so sick of his selfishness!!! The worst part is that he went to this meeting with our hired guy who he doesn't like and I also don't like because he is lazy and super douchy I would have preferred he went out to a bar with his friends because at least the company would be worth pissing me off. Oh and I forgot to mention that whole my parents were away the same hired guy told DH to sleep at their house so he could get a better night sleep away from me and the boys! Talk about rubbing me the wrong way....
I desperately need to get out of my house!!! It's been almost two weeks.
Rant over.
Tomorrow we have to drive to Toronto (1 hour 45mins) for LO's circumcision so i guess I will be finally getting out tomorrow but we have to leave around 4 am to avoid rush hour and be on time for our appointment. My mom will be staying with DS1 thankfully because it would not be a fun day to hang out with us at a paediatric clinic.
I'm also not looking forward to another sleepless night and then drive to T.O.
I'm concerned about potential mastitis actually. Each boob has a red patch and they're both still pretty rock hard and warm. I have implants, and I think that's part of the problem. He's BFing really well, supply isn't an issue. Just uncomfortable.
DH went into work for a few hours, so I'm here with both boys. We've had some hard moments like when they pooped at the same time and DS2 was hungry and crying while I changed diapers, but everyone is fed and happy now. Yay!
My house is a wreck, and it's driving me insane because I want to clean, but can't with Miss Fussypants!
@grumpycat88, would you be willing to let her know we'd love an update when she has her baby?
Dec '12 & Jan '15
@violetgjoni I miss jeans too. DH told me to go buy some that fit, but I can't justify spending the $ when I know I will be back into some of my jeans in a month or two. On that note, I hate that I will be wearing maternity clothes in vacation.
Breatsfeeding, yo.
Ladies, you'll get there!
Stupid pregnancy vagina, and all your fluid! ~X(