LO has been extra fussy tonight. He has peed on three outfits and swaddles and everytime I put him in the pack and play to go to sleep after feeding he starts crying. His circumcision gauze is almost all the way fallen off, but not 100%, and I think it's bothering him. He just wants to eat then cuddle with my boob, which is fine except I haven't gotten any solid sleep since about 9pm.
First pediatrician appointment tomorrow. Thank god DH is going to be there, because after tonight I'm going to be a zombie.
Morning ladies been up forever. My water has broke contractions are not strong and had 3 labour plans to take care of my kids and not one is answering lets hope this is slow labour for the mean time
Good luck, @mandikins27!! Hope someone answers to get your littles soon!
DD has just fallen back to sleep after being awake for an hour and a half. She was happy and content, then got sleepy and fussy......ate, spit up all over me, and promptly fell asleep. Eventually, once she's in a deep sleep, I'll be able to put her down and change out of my sour milk soaked shirt.....maybe I'll even get another hour of sleep before the boys are awake!!
@mandikins27 a love tit for water breaking, but hello, how can no one answer your phone calls! I'm sorry, that would severely piss me off.
@ACH831 I got a postpartum hemorrhoid too. I'm hoping it will go away on its own (do they even do that?), because I really don't want to have a hemerrhoidectomy.
@robsbabygirl08 - they can go away on their own. I had a pretty bad external one during pregnancy and it's gone now. I was sure I was going to have to have it taken off professionally, but thankfully it seems to have taken care of itself.
Vivie doesn't want to sleep in her P&P. At all. She's so angry about it too. She will sleep literally anywhere other than that. I've gotten about 2 hours of sleep. Not cool, baby, not cool.
Apparently spit up can come out the nose too. Did not know that.
It does, and it scared me when that first happened!! It can apparently come up but not out of the nose and cause a lot of congestion for baby and need to be sucked out frequently, which is what we're dealing with. Apparently it's more common for FF babies? Yucky.
We have a doctors appointment today - I'm so hopeful / nervous about his weight. We've supplemented a little bit if he cries out of hunger after a feeding, and I'm hoping it has been enough.
DH is going into work today for a few hours. I think I'm going to cook a little if I can get both boys occupied for long enough.
@BabyStandish It is so scary when milk comes out of their little nose! I know it's normal but it freaks me out every time!
I've been up since 4:00. I had to leave at 4:30 to take my brother and his family to the airport. Of course I had to take Lillian because where the milk machine goes, the baby goes. We're now at home cuddling on the couch! I will need lots of coffee today!
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It's my first day off to rest before my RCS tomorrow and I woke up at 5:00am with excruciating back and ligament pain. I'm so over this pregnancy thing! So much for sleeping in... Might as well make the boys some cinnamon rolls. Have a nice day ladies
On my way to hospital now for the RCS! Had a lot of anxiety last night...I was so excited to meet my little girl last time and this time I feel more nervous about the c section even though mine wasn't but last time-'it's just knowing what I'm going into that I think is scary. So prayers for me that I can calm down please and enjoy the moment since this is our last. Thanks ladies for all the support this pregnancy! Can't wait to share pics of Jack later today
On my way to hospital now for the RCS! Had a lot of anxiety last night...I was so excited to meet my little girl last time and this time I feel more nervous about the c section even though mine wasn't but last time-'it's just knowing what I'm going into that I think is scary. So prayers for me that I can calm down please and enjoy the moment since this is our last. Thanks ladies for all the support this pregnancy! Can't wait to share pics of Jack later today
Good luck!!! Everything will be fine and you will have that sweet baby in your arms in just a couple hours
We are up bright & early for our newborn pictures today. Hoping that Sam actually stays sleepy for them. He is 10 days old today and we've been getting more & more periods of awake time. I'm just hoping it comes after 8am. It's a new photographer we're trying too, so I'm nervous about that. She said to feed him beforehand, plus the car ride should lull him to sleep.
Yesterday was damn rough in this house. I swear Zoe's 2 months shots turned her into a different baby and mine disappeared. She was absolutely inconsolable, no matter what I did. Also woke every 3 hours, and usually sleeps 7-8 now. But she seems better today, so hopefully on the mend.
We got her passport in the mail yesterday, too! Yay! Needed one for our trip to Hawaii. Also because my entire family lives in the USA. It's kinda weird. She also looks nothing like her picture. And in 6 months she's REALLY look nothing like her picture.
(Zoe Claire- born at 33.6 weeks- November 19, '14 - 5lbs 15oz)
Got a decent amount of sleep, but only because I went to bed after putting down DS at 8pm. LO is still up every 2/3 hours to nurse. I'm hoping (like her big brother) once she hits her 3-week growth spurt, she drops one of her night feedings.
Going to try taking DS to the local indoor playground with LO in the wrap - wish me luck?
Why had DD just started spitting up within the past 24 hours? She's never done it before, and now she keeps doing it after almost every feeding. I've never had a baby who really spits up regularly, and I hope she stops because gross!
Yesterday was damn rough in this house. I swear Zoe's 2 months shots turned her into a different baby and mine disappeared. She was absolutely inconsolable, no matter what I did. Also woke every 3 hours, and usually sleeps 7-8 now. But she seems better today, so hopefully on the mend.
We got her passport in the mail yesterday, too! Yay! Needed one for our trip to Hawaii. Also because my entire family lives in the USA. It's kinda weird. She also looks nothing like her picture. And in 6 months she's REALLY look nothing like her picture.
@MusicFanatic, that's exciting about the passport! Here's DS' passport photo on the left at 6 weeks and now at 2 YO. He looks so different, and the passport is good for 5 years, so he'll look really different then.
Apparently sleeping three straight hours is a thing of the past!
On a lighter note I got my two year old dressed and fed, my newborn fed and dressed, and we were out the door relatively on time to get her to school! I did it ALL by myself! Whoop Whoop! Now I need a nap!
Yesterday was damn rough in this house. I swear Zoe's 2 months shots turned her into a different baby and mine disappeared. She was absolutely inconsolable, no matter what I did. Also woke every 3 hours, and usually sleeps 7-8 now. But she seems better today, so hopefully on the mend.
We got her passport in the mail yesterday, too! Yay! Needed one for our trip to Hawaii. Also because my entire family lives in the USA. It's kinda weird. She also looks nothing like her picture. And in 6 months she's REALLY look nothing like her picture.
@MusicFanatic, that's exciting about the passport! Here's DS' passport photo on the left at 6 weeks and now at 2 YO. He looks so different, and the passport is good for 5 years, so he'll look really different then.
Ours is 5 years, also. And that's too cute! You can TOTALLY tell that's the same kid, though Same smile and nose!
(Zoe Claire- born at 33.6 weeks- November 19, '14 - 5lbs 15oz)
@elleswarth I really hope mine will go away too. The hospital I work at is coincidentally, the only one my insurance will cover. And since I work in the OR my coworkers would be seeing me ass up. I just can't.....
Jude and I fell asleep during the 3am feeding. I woke up at 6 with a boob hanging out and a baby by my side. Still had my glasses on and Candy Crush Soda was on my phone. He was super restless before his feeding. Hope that was a one night thing.
I desperately need my eyebrows done. Do I drag the huge stroller out for the walk? The salon is a half a block away. Do I use the umbrella stroller? I know they aren't good for newborns, but the while trip is less than 10 minutes total. I can't go another day like this. I look like shit.
@elleswarth I really hope mine will go away too. The hospital I work at is coincidentally, the only one my insurance will cover. And since I work in the OR my coworkers would be seeing me ass up. I just can't.....
Same here! It would be done in endo at my hospital, and I do yoga with the doctor that would be the one to do it. He's a really sweet, quiet, older guy and it would make things totally awkward. I think the hemorrhoid knew how embarrassing it would be and left due to that. Much appreciated.
I slept on the couch last night, in a sitting position, with my legs in the form of a butterfly. SPD is horrible! So. Much. Pain!
Since my sweep yesterday, I've been contracting, but nothing serious. 6 days of contractions man. I'm almost regretting even getting a sweep done in the first place. I feel like it's just not working, and I'm even more uncomfortable.
I'm due tomorrow and crazy anxious this is #3, and both 1 & 2 were two days before my due date. I'm so over everyone's "did you have that kid yet" etc comments they're driving me nuts! All I can think about is going into labor and they aren't helping...
Wish I could deliver a formal eviction notice to little one and get him out.
Anyone have any tips on being induced? I'm kinda nervous about it since I haven't had to deal with it.
Again, I kind of feel like a normal person today. Getting 2-3 hours of sleep at a time is apparently WAY better than 30 mins of sleep, interrupted by 2 hours of awake time. lol, I'm so glad he likes the swaddle now.
I shamelessly yelled at dh last night because he made me stay up an hour and a half later than I wanted to, and then proceeded to start snoring while I was giving S 1 more feeding before being able to go to sleep myself. Fingernails on a chalk board is all I can compare his snoring to when I'm that tired and can't go to sleep yet.
First day on my own with 2 LOs. My let down is getting stronger and DD is fussing while nursing and spitting out milk, but then rooting for more. So frustrating!
Dec '12 & Jan '15
I could hold you for a million years
to make you feel my love.
@backseatdriver sending positive vibes your way, and a hug if you want it I was pretty nervous my first day alone, and the kids drove me a little nuts but it turned out fine.
Just wanted to give hugs and donuts out to everyone today. Feel like I've been MIA for a bit, but wasn't sure if I was really a regular enough to post "hey I'm still Alive" lol
Congrats to all who had babies while I was gone, and good luck to you all having them very shortly
Been feeling pretty blah lately, but woke up today telling myself today would be a great day, so I'm pushing for that
Lili is doing great and is 4 weeks old today!! We finally got her a swing yesterday and she loves it! She's been super gassy and grumpy, so we're trying out the formula that helps with that, fx!! Anywho, hope everyone has a great day!!!
Re: Tuesday Randoms
First pediatrician appointment tomorrow. Thank god DH is going to be there, because after tonight I'm going to be a zombie.
Good luck to everyone with CS today!
DD has just fallen back to sleep after being awake for an hour and a half. She was happy and content, then got sleepy and fussy......ate, spit up all over me, and promptly fell asleep. Eventually, once she's in a deep sleep, I'll be able to put her down and change out of my sour milk soaked shirt.....maybe I'll even get another hour of sleep before the boys are awake!!
@ACH831 I got a postpartum hemorrhoid too. I'm hoping it will go away on its own (do they even do that?), because I really don't want to have a hemerrhoidectomy.
Vivie doesn't want to sleep in her P&P. At all. She's so angry about it too. She will sleep literally anywhere other than that. I've gotten about 2 hours of sleep. Not cool, baby, not cool.
We have a doctors appointment today - I'm so hopeful / nervous about his weight. We've supplemented a little bit if he cries out of hunger after a feeding, and I'm hoping it has been enough.
DH is going into work today for a few hours. I think I'm going to cook a little if I can get both boys occupied for long enough.
@BabyStandish It is so scary when milk comes out of their little nose! I know it's normal but it freaks me out every time!
I've been up since 4:00. I had to leave at 4:30 to take my brother and his family to the airport. Of course I had to take Lillian because where the milk machine goes, the baby goes. We're now at home cuddling on the couch! I will need lots of coffee today!
We are up bright & early for our newborn pictures today. Hoping that Sam actually stays sleepy for them. He is 10 days old today and we've been getting more & more periods of awake time. I'm just hoping it comes after 8am. It's a new photographer we're trying too, so I'm nervous about that. She said to feed him beforehand, plus the car ride should lull him to sleep.
Going to try taking DS to the local indoor playground with LO in the wrap - wish me luck?
I desperately need my eyebrows done. Do I drag the huge stroller out for the walk? The salon is a half a block away. Do I use the umbrella stroller? I know they aren't good for newborns, but the while trip is less than 10 minutes total. I can't go another day like this. I look like shit.
Since my sweep yesterday, I've been contracting, but nothing serious. 6 days of contractions man. I'm almost regretting even getting a sweep done in the first place. I feel like it's just not working, and I'm even more uncomfortable.
Wish I could deliver a formal eviction notice to little one and get him out.
Anyone have any tips on being induced? I'm kinda nervous about it since I haven't had to deal with it.
Anyone talk to her? Is she still in the fb group?
Again, I kind of feel like a normal person today. Getting 2-3 hours of sleep at a time is apparently WAY better than 30 mins of sleep, interrupted by 2 hours of awake time. lol, I'm so glad he likes the swaddle now.
I shamelessly yelled at dh last night because he made me stay up an hour and a half later than I wanted to, and then proceeded to start snoring while I was giving S 1 more feeding before being able to go to sleep myself. Fingernails on a chalk board is all I can compare his snoring to when I'm that tired and can't go to sleep yet.
Dec '12 & Jan '15
Congrats to all who had babies while I was gone, and good luck to you all having them very shortly
Been feeling pretty blah lately, but woke up today telling myself today would be a great day, so I'm pushing for that
Lili is doing great and is 4 weeks old today!! We finally got her a swing yesterday and she loves it!
She's been super gassy and grumpy, so we're trying out the formula that helps with that, fx!!
Anywho, hope everyone has a great day!!!