Edit to add- I assumed SD meant the RE clinic, ha ha I could be totally wrong!! Ignore my post if you aren't going to an RE...
At my first consultation (was on day 3 of my cycle so they could do lab work) they talked with my wife and I about how aggressive we want to be (meds or no meds, when to ever try IVF). My doctor explained the risks to different meds (mostly the risk of multiples, lo and behold we got twins) along with the amount of monitoring involved. She ordered all my cycle day 3 blood work along with a variety of other labs to check my hormone levels. We scheduled an HSG for the following month to just check the interior of my uterus and tubes. Finally she did a vaginal ultrasound to do an antral follicle count. My first IUI was 2 months later since we were waiting to see how the HSG looked and then we were traveling.
I think many first consultations do not include so much and instead just involve talking to the doctor about what you hope to do. It's a good chance to see if you like the doctor, if they are comfortable with you doing the types of cycles that you want to do or if they steer you in a certain direction. Also of course it's a great opportunity to see how much this process will cost each month.
A & K, married 7/1/13.
After 10 months of ttc via medicated IUIs and two early losses, we finally got our boys- Perfect premie twins born 5/27/14.
Re: Yikes first consultation!
At my first consultation (was on day 3 of my cycle so they could do lab work) they talked with my wife and I about how aggressive we want to be (meds or no meds, when to ever try IVF). My doctor explained the risks to different meds (mostly the risk of multiples, lo and behold we got twins) along with the amount of monitoring involved. She ordered all my cycle day 3 blood work along with a variety of other labs to check my hormone levels. We scheduled an HSG for the following month to just check the interior of my uterus and tubes. Finally she did a vaginal ultrasound to do an antral follicle count. My first IUI was 2 months later since we were waiting to see how the HSG looked and then we were traveling.
I think many first consultations do not include so much and instead just involve talking to the doctor about what you hope to do. It's a good chance to see if you like the doctor, if they are comfortable with you doing the types of cycles that you want to do or if they steer you in a certain direction. Also of course it's a great opportunity to see how much this process will cost each month.
A & K, married 7/1/13.
After 10 months of ttc via medicated IUIs and two early losses, we finally got our boys- Perfect premie twins born 5/27/14.