February 2014 Moms

AW: good news

Sorry I haven't posted much...but anyone. As many of you know DS2 had major surgery on his skull 3 months ago. There was one spot on the top of his head on the incision line that wasn't healing. So on Friday DH and I took him back to the clinic to see what was wrong and it turns out that one of the screws holding this skull in place has pushed its way out of the incision. It is crazy and it looks weird, but it does not hurt him at all. Well Friday they said it would probably need another small surgery to remove the screw. Well, I got a call today and the surgeon said he could remove the screw in the clinic, which means NO SURGERY!! Yeah!! I am so relieved, I am so thankful that he does not need to be under for this, and it something that we can go up and back in the same day. Just needed to share our good news :) 

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