How do you know if your rock hard boob is a blocked duct or just day three engorgement?
Usually a blocked duct is one spot, not the entire breast from what I have experienced. Try massaging your breast from the outside towards the nipple as your baby is nursing. If your breast is engorged it will still get "softer" as your massage/the baby empties it. If it's a clogged duct you will still have a hard, bruised feeling spot. Massaging your breast if it is a clogged duct can often unclog it in the process which hopefully avoids mastitis becoming an issue.
Something I found on a BFing thread that was helpful was that once your milk comes in you feed on one side, then use the second breast as "dessert". And obviously alternate which breast you start with with each feeding. Only keep the baby on the second breast as long as they are interested.
I was still trying to do 15 minutes on each side and it was torture trying to keep her awake and feeding! Just something I'd thought I'd share!
Ds is 4 days old as of today. He's latching beautifully & took to BFing like a champ. We came home from the hospital Mon. Both Mon night & last night were terrible. He eats fine but is having trouble with the sleeping part after he's nursed. Despite that this is my 3rd, I have all the right info (5 Ss, using a RNP, keep room dark, minimal interaction) but none seems to work. Sam can settle down swaddled, and start to fall asleep but then wakes up crying. Holding him, rocking him work sort of but then we try to put him down & within min he's awake. We've resorted to some pacifier use after a feeding to see if that helps his sucking reflex soothe him more. DH thinks his days & nights are mixed up and that we should try to keep him awake more during the day. My mommy instinct says "he's 4 days old he needs his rest whenever-day or night. It will adjust itself."
@amandad715 I had the same issue with my LO, but she would get so tired that she would fall asleep right after latching. We finally supplemented with a bottle (originally formula then I'd pump while H would give her a bottle of pumped milk) once at night and she is sleeping better with a full belly. When I spoke to my pediatrician she made it seem like something the LOs go through in the beginning.
Not sure this helps you! I'm curious what advice others give you.
@Mazinator I brought my nursing pillow to the hospital and I use it at home all of the time. It's really a personal preference as I know of a lot of moms that didn't use one at all.
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Okay, that makes sense. I was thinking of getting the My Breast Friend, but I wasn't sure if it was necessary to bring for just a 24hr stay in recovery if all goes according to plan.
Okay, that makes sense. I was thinking of getting the My Breast Friend, but I wasn't sure if it was necessary to bring for just a 24hr stay in recovery if all goes according to plan.
I have a Boopy but when I went to see the LC she lent me a My Breast Friend and I have to admit, I liked the sturdiness of that one better! It seemed more supportive. If Lillian wasn't my last baby, I'd consider buying one.
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When they wanted me to introduce breastfeeding to my daughter the nurse literally took my boob squeezed down towards the nipple and stuck it in my daughters mouth then when you can tell she was sucking (when her ears move) at least that's what she told me that's how you can tell she's doing it. She let my boob go and my daughter went to town. I never took a class on it just in the beginning started off with what the nurse said and before went left the hospital my daughter was a pro. All babies are different tho, hoping this helps! I even told my friend about it and she tried it with her little one and he picked right up on it! Good luck (:
I'm terrible at quoting, but the nursing pillow question up there- I brought mine and actually used it like a donut to sit on after natural delivery and it was a lifesaver! My lady bits were so sore & swollen it hurt to sit but my tailbone also hurt so laying down was awful as well, so it made it all way more comfy!
DS will just not open his mouth big enough to latch! I know he can do it because he opens his mouth when he cries, but to eat he won't open it. I'll Google and check out Kellymom and some things, but any other tips?
DS will just not open his mouth big enough to latch! I know he can do it because he opens his mouth when he cries, but to eat he won't open it. I'll Google and check out Kellymom and some things, but any other tips?
@Maebb you can touch your nipple alternating on his top and bottom lips, this can encourage opening wider...
You can also squish your nipple so that it fits better.
I struggled with nursing my first time around. We saw multiple lacation consultants which was very helpful. I also remember feeling a lot of stress because I was struggling so much. The dr said to try having just a small glass of wine to help relax....I don't remember if I actually tried the wine or not but I remember that right out od the shower for me seemed to be a good time to try and nurse siccessfully until I really caught on. Also we were so gentle with baby while trying to nurse that when we saw a lactation consultant we were surprised at how forceful they instructed us to be. Like trying to sandwich your boob/nipple and kind of just shoving it into babies mouth. Anyway, good luck and keep trying, don't give up! With my first i nursed for 10 mo. About to have my 2nd today via c-section and I'm really hoping it's an easier start to nursing the second time around.
Em is good at latching but sometimes when she's eating she repeatedly kicks/stretches so aggressively I feel like she's going to yank my boob off. It's super uncomfortable but she gets wicked mad when I take her off.
Does it actually mean anything or do I just have a super aggressive eater??
Em is good at latching but sometimes when she's eating she repeatedly kicks/stretches so aggressively I feel like she's going to yank my boob off. It's super uncomfortable but she gets wicked mad when I take her off.
Does it actually mean anything or do I just have a super aggressive eater??
@MLC1990 mine often does this when she has to burp, or fart/poo. If burping her doesn't get rid of it, I let her suck on my finger while working out gas issues.
As amyg* mentioned, it can also happen during letdown if there is too much milk coming; you can break the latch for a very short time and get them right back on so they aren't too mad.
Re: Breastfeeding woes?
I was still trying to do 15 minutes on each side and it was torture trying to keep her awake and feeding! Just something I'd thought I'd share!
Despite that this is my 3rd, I have all the right info (5 Ss, using a RNP, keep room dark, minimal interaction) but none seems to work. Sam can settle down swaddled, and start to fall asleep but then wakes up crying. Holding him, rocking him work sort of but then we try to put him down & within min he's awake. We've resorted to some pacifier use after a feeding to see if that helps his sucking reflex soothe him more.
DH thinks his days & nights are mixed up and that we should try to keep him awake more during the day. My mommy instinct says "he's 4 days old he needs his rest whenever-day or night. It will adjust itself."
Not sure this helps you! I'm curious what advice others give you.
I think I'm seeing a LC next week; I just want to make sure we have a good start as my supply is coming in.
Anyway, good luck and keep trying, don't give up! With my first i nursed for 10 mo. About to have my 2nd today via c-section and I'm really hoping it's an easier start to nursing the second time around.
Does it actually mean anything or do I just have a super aggressive eater??