It thought it might be helpful to have a breastfeeding thread to bounce ideas off each other and support one another. It has been much more difficult than I thought and I have heard the same from a lot of new moms.
Feel free to post tips, questions, and situations. Hopefully this can be flame free!
Re: Breastfeeding woes?
My routine has been to wake up and pump about a half hour prior to breastfeeding (recommended by hospital nurses/LC). This means that I am awake to pump and feed for at least and hour and a half and LO feeds every 2.5ish hours. Rough... So, I guess I am looking for feedback on stopping the pumping now that my supply is up. Thoughts? We are still supplimenting one nighttime feed with formula as per LC. TIA!
Also maybe this was dumb of me, but I didn't realize my nipples would be so tender again after having BF for so long previously. I know it is just a phase that will soon be behind us though.
Dec '12 & Jan '15
My issue is that I feel dizzy and drained 90% of the time, and I'm not sure if t has anything to do with breastfeeding or the fact that I had a RCS 3 days ago. I'm not sure what to do other than call the OB on Monday?
Are you going to be building a supply of milk to bottle feed? If so you might want to continue pumping some.
What advice did the LC give? Can you supplement with pumped milk now instead of formula?
Dec '12 & Jan '15
@BackseatDriver I am going only pumping about 45 ml, but I know the baby is able to suck more than the pump can.
Dec '12 & Jan '15
Please stay! Thank you for your advice!
I fall behind on the pain meds occasionally (usually the middle of the night) but my body reminds me I need them, but u usually don't eat with them.
Dec '12 & Jan '15
When he does want to eat he has a really strong latch and sometimes latches too shallow so my nipples are killing me. I was given a nipple shield to use with DD but really don't want to be dependent on that again and haven't used it yet. My other issue is I'm still feeling full after he eats at times and am concerned about that. My goal now is to just get through tonight and tomorrow. We go for a ped check on Monday (and I get my staples out which will help with my comfort) and I may go meet with the LC at the hospital if I'm still not feeling good about his latch.
I'm thankful for the support and insight here. Hopefully we can all get through this together ladies!
Concerning milk blisters -- can you breast feed/pump while you have one? Or should you wait until it goes away to use the milk/feed from that side?
I'm not sure? It looks like two clear blisters on the tip of my nip.
She also has a shallow latch, she's just so tiny and her mouth is so small. I just have to watch carefully her positioning when she latches on or it hurts like hell. Hopefully she grows out of it soon.
Pro tip: stick your pinky in their mouth to break a latch seal
My first experience with DS I was told if there was pain, the latch wasn't correct, but that was not the case. It was just that my nipples needed to adjust and around the 7th day there was a lot less pain.
I am currently going through a very similar BFing experience with this LO as I did with DS. ( not looking forward to day 3, but I'm pumped about the agonizing pain of engorgement because that's when it got better last time.
My last tip: a lot of people are unsure if their baby is nursing long enough on each side and therefore receiving the "hind milk" needed for growth. A way to tell is if the baby's stool is green (with the exception of day 2-3 when it should be green) The baby's stool should be mustard yellow if they are receiving adequate hind milk. So if your milk is somewhat established and you notice a green stool, try nursing longer on each side rather than putting an allotment of time for each side.
Hopefully that makes sense!
I went to see the lactation consultant on Thursday for my extremely cracked nipples (what she referred to as the Grand Canyon of cracks). She helped me find different positions to use, putting pressure on different areas of the nipple while the cracks heal. She also prescribed Jack Newman's nipple ointment, which is a compounded ointment (anti fungal to prevent thrush, anti inflammatory and a pain reliever). Within 2 days of using I have noticed a huge difference in pain when I nurse. She did say that it will take a few weeks for the actual crack to heal because of the size but the pain when nursing is no longer "toe curling!"
But FTM smooth sailing does happen. My LO came out and latched for 30 minutes with basically no assistance and had already gained 5oz at her two day check-up.
Just keep an open mind and don't be afraid to ask for help.
This is something I struggle with as well!
I agree with stashing snacks and water bottles all over the house-- I used to keep granola bars in my nightstand. Certain carriers are ok for newborn baby wearing, but some require a newborn insert for babies under a certain weight. Check the manuals and above all, don't feel guilty for taking care of your own needs, too.
@VioletGjoni It's definitely challenging with three but I think I was just as overwhelmed with one! With one it's all so brand new and you and baby are trying to figure it all out together. With three, I think I know what I'm doing but then I'm thrown a curveball!
I only pumped today because she seemed insatiable all last night. I recently stopped pumping between feeds and supplimenting (was doing this until my milk came on as per NICU staff). Thoughts?
LO was born at almost 11pm on Friday. I had a csection followed by a hemorrhage. For the most part LO and I were not together for almost an entire day. During that time, he was being given 20cc of formula every 3 hours in the NICU. He was brought back to me with the instructions to offer each breast for as long as he wants at each feeding and then supplement with 20cc of formula until my milk comes in.
The problem is, LO seems less and less interested in the breast when formula still seems to be more satisfying. I can get him to usually latch on one side for 15-20 minutes and the other for 5-10 before he loses interest.
My milk is still not in yet. The hospital LC brought me a pump. But I'm just so confused as to when to use it. I tried once at a feeding when he refused both breasts and got nothing more than a couple drops (clear liquid). But if he takes both at a feeding am I still supposed to pump?
I know it's only a matter of time before my milk comes in, but I feel like the whole process has already been "messed up" for us. I would really like for this to work and I just feel like I'm getting too much conflicting information (especially from the two hospital LCs.
Any thoughts, ideas, tips, etc would welcome!
dx: Unexplained IF
TTC since May 2011, 1 year trying, and then 3 TI, 2 IUI = BFN
IVF #1 (May 2013): Antagonist Protocol:
24R, 18M, 15F w/ICSI; 5dt of 2 early blasts, no frosties = BFN
IVF #2 (August 2013): Lupron Stop Protocol:
28R, 23M, 15F w/ICSI; 5dt of 1 partially hatched blast, 7 frosties = BFP
EDD 5/23/14, blighted ovum (6w6d), D&C (8w6d)
FET #1 (April 2014): transferred 2 5d blasts = BFP
C.J. born 01/09/15