January 2015 Moms

Saturday Randoms


Re: Saturday Randoms

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    Just ate a ginormous burrito and now baby is going crazy, I think I took too much of his space!
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    @VioletGjoni  Sorry to hear that you and your H haven't been getting along.  I agree that it's extreme and insulting to say you're a bad mother because you curse.  If you had a toddler who was repeating everything they heard I would say to avoid cursing, but still would never say you're a bad mother!  I know this isn't the first time you've posted about the issues in your marriage, but hope that you take the time to calm down and reflect on how to proceed now that LO is involved.  Does H know how you feel?
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    @VioletGjoni‌ I am so sorry that is awful. Sounds like he has some issues going on and is lashing out at you.
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    papapalie said:

    Well you're never going to guess where I ended up while at my parents watching the Seahawks game...the ER. Looks like 7 days of "remission of gallbladder symptoms" was all my body would give me. Looks like I will be seeing the surgeon this week and probably having surgery a little sooner than we thought.

    sorry to hear this bad news. Hopefully surgery will do the trick.

    Good news is, Seahawks won!

    <:-P \:D/

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    @VioletGjoni‌, sorry your H is being a jerk. It's totally not ok for him to call you a bad mom. He needs to be encouraging you and treating you in a loving way, and if he's not doing that on a consistent basis, I think you're right to think about your options. Hugs.
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    @VioletGjoni  I think the back-and-forth between insulting you and apologizing would drive me more crazy than anything. Vent away any time you feel the need! 
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