January 2015 Moms

Saturday Randoms

I can't sleep so I'm on here catching up. 39 wks today and heading in for my RCS this morning.
Super excited/nervous/anxious to meet our baby today!
Good luck to everyone being induced, sounds like 1/10 may be a popular Bday for our LOs!
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Re: Saturday Randoms

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    Oh. I took my dog into the vet, because she hasn't been herself in a few weeks. I thought she was just being a turd, but then she started to appear like she was sick.

    Turns out, she's just old and suffering doggy alzheimers. She's starting to go blind too and has some hip issues. Now I feel like a complete asshole for punishing her for her "bad behavior. " she couldn't help it!

    I take her in next week to get a complete senior checkup to check everything out with her.
    She's a 10 year old beagle.

    Seriously. .....I can't tell you how bad I feel!

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    Been up since 2am unfortunately not due to sex lol. DH is too tired. Psh. My mind is tired but my body is restless. 39 weeks today.
    Good luck ladies!
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    I was a dumb pregnant woman and gave my massage appointment to a girlfriend who was having a bad day last week. Everything hurts and I'm lying here dreaming of that massage unable to sleep :(
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    I was admitted around 1am and just had my water broken, so it looks like I'll be joining you @amandad715‌ (and others)!

    Good luck!
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    I'm starving, but I can't eat. Stupid antibiotics :disappointed:

    I'm scared to death of co sleeping, but I put Beau in our bed at our 3 am feeding because his poor hands were ice. No clue why because our room is warm but I felt terrible for his hands being cold and then for putting him in my bed. *sigh*

    Their hands and feet are always first to get cold, even when baby isn't actually cold. I put the little mitts on Jude's hands.


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    Every morning I wake up with a stomachache. This kid is crushing my insides.
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    This boy is gassy. He's grunting and grunting. No crying, but I still feel terrible. Trying everything to help him get some farts and burps out.



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    britb618britb618 member
    edited January 2015
    @skylerpete don't feel guilty- your doing the best anyone can! I second @megan81112‌ baby mitts are the way to go!

    So I freaked dh out yesterday- I was sitting in my office and felt a trickle texted him saying my water may have broke but it's just a little and need to wait half hour to see if continues- it smelled super sweet and I was 'pretty' sure it wasn't pee. Welp it stopped and I'm figuring it's prob super sweet smelling bc I've been eating so much pineapple lol! You think since my water broke last time I'd know the difference but I think I was just leaking discharge (ew tmi probably sorry ladies) anyway I still left work bc my pants were wet, came home and packed my hospital bag. So happy that is done! Today we are supposed to go look at beds and dining room sets so this baby can just stay put til after that. Also going to watch pats game tonight at a friends house who we haven't seen in a while and she is prego with her first so I'm dying to see her and talk baby! Other kids will be there for dd so it should be a good night- so Jack can just hang out til tomorrow or next week- whatever works! Also work is paying for a new laptop for me so I'm gonna go get that done today! So sad it can't be a Mac bc it's be compatible with our system but a new laptop is a new laptop so atill excited to have one before baby so I can edit all the pics I take on it!
    @LaBellaVida‌ yay for sex! But I'm sorry about the dog!
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    @labellavida I'm so sorry about your dog. I hope you're able to figure something out for her!

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    I slept through the night last night, 9 hours. I think I am the luckiest pregnant lady because seriously, I hardly ever get up to pee at night (and it's not lack of water, I drink a ton all day, just must have a bladder off steel).
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    I'm so happy it's the weekend! 37weeks and my feet are sore from all the waking I do at work! Going to relax with breakfast in bed and maybe make my way to the store this afternoon to buy some more bottles and diapers. I love lazy Saturdays. Congrats and good luck ladies I can't wait to hear about your LOs ☺
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    @Maebb‌ anything wrapped in bacon is always a favorite of mine :-)
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    Today is our first full day home with Avery. Seems like older kids had a ball while I was gone and made small messes all around the house. Glad to finally be home with them though.

    We have to take avery into the Drs office today for a weight check. At discharge time, she was down 6%. A slight murmur was also detected and she up having an echo done which showed she has/had a PDA which will just be monitored to make sure that It closes.
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    nah82nah82 member
    edited January 2015
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    Yesterday I pulled a muscle in my back and pretty much was on the couch all day. I watched the first four twilight movies and now I really want to watch the last one but it would cost money. ..... lol I'm really not a Huge fan but I can get obsessed with finishing series. It's not unheard of for me to read one or two books a day and keep going until a series is complete. .. #ivegotissues
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    @4littlebears‌ hope it speeds up! You're almost done!
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    41 weeks today! 

    So far, this has been an 'at peace' day. lol. It's still early, but yesterday was, so I'm hoping to keep riding that wave. 

    Next appointment is Monday morning. I think I'm feeling a little more at peace because we'll probably have a plan started on Monday if she doesn't come this weekend.
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    @pharmgirl1024‌ - my friend just had that happen too a few weeks ago from stadol! She said she was seeing purple giraffes and other random crap and it really scared her. Hope the rest of your induction goes well!!!
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    Been rocking out to Europe's 'The Final Countdown' this morning cause it's 10 days till my CS! I can't believe in ten days my baby girl will be here eek!

    DH and I are going to my grandparent's house tonight for dinner... which should be interesting. I've never been close to them because of something that happened when I was 5, my dad cut them out of our lives completely for a very very long time. In the last couple years they've reconciled and I don't have problems forgiving people so I see them for big event type stuff and the occasional family get together. But, while I love them, they're from a different social class than my DH so it should be interesting to see how my two worlds collide I guess. I've been warning him all week what to expect/ how to act kinda stuff. Not that what they think of him really matters. I'm just anxious and stressed about it clearly, since I'm still rambling.
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    DH took night duty last night and let me sleep a glorious 6 hours... woke up though with rock solid boobs from not feeding and had to pump. I know it is still too early but we have introduced a bottle (only used maybe once a day) so that mommy can get some sleep too. Now DH is sleeping while I wait for my parents to get here.
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    @4littlebears‌ you're in the home stretch! You can do it! :) I hope you get to meet your little one soon!

    @kellyfo14‌ happy birthday to your little girl! My little pony is awesome!

    @nah82 I still don't know how you can be so civil to him. I seriously admire your self control! I hope you have fun tonight at the surprise party!

    @LaBellaVida‌ yay for make up sex! I had sex last night too! :) I wasn't very comfortable afterward but it was worth it! Lol

    I ended up waking up an hour after I fell asleep to pee and with some pelvic pain. I went to the couch around 3am to try and get some sleep. It worked for about an hour then I had to get up again. I think I was having contractions but I don't know for sure.

    I'm hoping to get some motivation at some point today so I can clean up the house but that probably won't happen so I'm scoping out movies to watch :)

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    @BabyStandish‌ congratulations!! I was so excited to see your birth announcement when I came onto the board!! He is adorable!

    @SheHulk723‌ sorry you are anxious and stressed about your dinner tonight. I hope it all goes well! And yay that your baby will be here in ten days!!

    Another random, Wyatt slept pretty good last night , even going 4 1/2 hours between one feeding. It feels so good to get some sleep! Is anyone else with babies here having problems with their LO wanting to be held constantly when sleeping? Wyatt, when awake, doesn't mind laying down, but he does not sleep good or for long periods of time if he is laying down. I don't remember this happening with my other kids? I love snuggling with him, obviously, but especially at night time, I really want him laying down on his own, in his own bed...

    Yes! We are still having the problem with her wanting to be held/cuddled at night to sleep. She sleeps well in the rock n' play and pack n' play during the day but not so much at night.
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    I think today I'm just gonna sit on the couch and watch Pioneer Woman.  I have about 40 episodes on the DVR and find her show comforting.
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    This boy is gassy. He's grunting and grunting. No crying, but I still feel terrible. Trying everything to help him get some farts and burps out.

    Have you tried moving his legs around? Sometimes that helps LO who is quite gassy as well. Burping him on his belly while resting on your arm helps sometimes too. :) 

    I do it all. He was ripping some mean ones earlier. No grunts now.

    Maybe he didn't like the Chinese food we had for dinner the other night..


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    vjdk07vjdk07 member
    edited January 2015
    DD is a week old today! Today was supposed to be induction day but she had other plans. So far, she's a pretty easy baby and hoping it stays that way.

    My husband is pissing me off. He is not being at all helpful. It's frustrating.

    ETA words
    Me: 31 DH:36
    DSS: 15 DS: 7
    DD born 1/3/15

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