May 2014 Moms

puking baby

I mentioned this a bit in the food thread but wrote it off. Now it's become a thing.

DS is now puking (not just spitting up) at least a couple times a day now. It is sometimes during eating, sometimes in the middle of the night or during a nap.

Nothing else is amis. No fever. He doesn't even get fussy before, during, or after puking. I don't get it! Any ideas what the heck could be going on?!
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Re: puking baby

  • Is it from a certain food? Allergy? Or maybe the stomach flu?
  • ns1ns1 member
    THD7580 said:

    Is it from a certain food? Allergy? Or maybe the stomach flu?

    I thought about food but I haven't given a new one recently as I'm trying to go through the freezer stash from last months marathon baby food making day.

    Could LO have a stomach bug with puking being the only symptom?

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  • ns1ns1 member
    @mary97‌ eek - maybe it is a stomach bug. I don't know why I thought he had to seem more miserable to have a stomach bug.
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  • He isn't intentionally gagging himself,right? I read some babies find it funny and make themselves puke on purpose! Otherwise sounds like a stomach bug or food poisoning.
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  • ns1ns1 member

    He isn't intentionally gagging himself,right? I read some babies find it funny and make themselves puke on purpose! Otherwise sounds like a stomach bug or food poisoning.

    I actually wondered if kids do that. DH said he saw him with his fingers in his mouth before he puked once. Babies are weird. So now I'm thinking either stomach bug he's taking relatively well or new odd habit.
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  • For how long now?
    My girl was puking from post nasal drip. She didn't seem all that snotty bc it was draining internally rather than out her nose. Any chance he has a cold and is swallowing pflem all day?
    I'd call pedi
  • At around 5 months DD was puking a few times a day. We took her to urgent care and they said aR. she was already diagnosed with AR but it was never that bad and this was happening sometimes hours after she had ate. I took her to her new Pedi and she said she actually just saw a case of a stomach bug in another infant that the only symptom was the puking.
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  • ns1ns1 member
    So, he was crying at 1am and puking. He came to though and smiled after puking. Then he went right back to sleep after nursing. Projectile vomited this afternoon. DH took him to the dr., who knows about as much as us.

    He said to lay off solids for a couple days; he doesn't want to be too quick to jump to AR because it's pretty late for it to show up; he said it could be a stomach bug. So, I guess I'm just hoping it stops soon or else we'll be back at the dr. next week.
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  • Any better today after no solids?
  • ns1ns1 member
    He is not puking anymore - yay!!!  I think it may have just been a stomach bug since he got sick several hours after eating.  But I'm going to introduce solids slowly and pay really close attention at this point!  Thanks for the ideas and well wishes everyone!
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