Working Moms

wwyd: asking for time off at new job

I just started a new job two weeks ago. I want to ask for Dec 26th off. We get the 25th off. My boss, his boss and all my co-workers have PTo that day. My bosses boss made a statement at the team meeting yesterday that people should take time off if they want. 
My dilema is I just started. I feel like it is pretty soon to ask for a PTO day BUT on the other hand the holidays are a little different.
do you think I should ask for the day off? would it make me look "lazy'? I kick myself for not asking for the 24th and the 26th as part of my negotiations but that is done...
In terms of work all my business partenrs will be on PTO so honestly other than trying to ramp up I dont have any deliverables due at that time. 

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Re: wwyd: asking for time off at new job

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    I feel like it's a little last minute, but if the boss' boss said that, I wouldn't worry about approaching someone about it. I am new at my job and had to work the day after Thanksgiving and it was SO dead that there was barely enough energy in the room to get myself moving.
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    Do you have PTO? Can you ask to borrow it from next year?
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    shannm said:

    Do you have PTO? Can you ask to borrow it from next year?

    I have already accrued 5 hours I think. We can go 40 hours negative.

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    Honestly, I wouldn't at 2 weeks in and without the PTO to cover it. 
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    I would ask for a half day - using the PTO accrued for four hours and working four hours.  They might say "just take the day" and if not, you still get some time off and look like a team player/dedicated/etc.
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    Do you have anything you can really get done if you're the only one there? If not, you may want to approach it as "I don't think I would add any value here by myself all day, so can I go ahead and take PTO?" It really depends on your position. For example, my admin doesn't really have anything to do and hates being here when we are all gone. But I can use the catch-up time because I have plenty to do.
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    So honestly I am just getting started and without anyone else here I am not sure what I will do.

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    I would if I something planned.  But if it's just to be at home with no plans or to get a 4-day weekend, I wouldn't go in the PTO hole for that. 
    This! Unless you need to be at home for a specific reason, I would plan on coming in that day. 

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    I wouldn't.

    Enjoy a slow day, get ahead, show dedication.
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    Eh, if my boss's boss sent out a general invite to take time off then I'd ask. So long as I don't have a support role like answering phones, replying to emails same day, etc. 

    I'd bring it up with something like "I wasn't going to ask for any time off, but it sounds like I'll be the only one here that day, and Mr Division Head mentioned taking vacation in the meeting last week. Also I will have X,Y, and Z finished by Wednesday afternoon before the holiday weekend. Would Friday be a good day to take PTO?"  And then I'd see how they react. 

    I see I'm in the minority, but FWIW there's one person who would ask. 
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                                                          Baby Girl born May 16, 2014
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    I wouldn't take it off, especially if you only have 5 hours. But that is just because I figure with the winter months that my son will need me to stay home at some time or another in the near future when he gets sick. I wouldn't want to be in the hole and have to worry about digging myself further in the hole. If it will be a slow day anyway, I would suck it up and enjoy the quiet. 
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    If I was that new to the job I wouldn't ask off.

    Kelly, Mom to Christopher Shannon 9.27.06, Catherine Quinn 2.24.09, Trey Barton lost on 12.28.09, Therese Barton lost on 6.10.10, Joseph Sullivan 7.23.11, and our latest, Victoria Maren 11.15.12

    Secondary infertility success with IVF, then two losses, one at 14 weeks and one at 10 weeks, then success with IUI and then just pure, crazy luck.  Expecting our fifth in May as the result of a FET.

    This Cluttered Life

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    I would ask about "who will be here Friday?" and see where the conversation goes. If asked, I'd say that yes, I had planned on coming in. And if possible, just something about how you weren't sure about what to expect as you're new, or waht have you. If it comes up that "it makes no sense for you to come in", then express that you only have 5 hours but you're o.k. w going into the negative 3 if they are ok. with it. Basically - see if THEY bring it up. Let them lead the conversatin.
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