My little man in 4 months old, we have been on Similac Allimentum since he was about 10 weeks old due to a possible intolerance to milk and soy. He has always been a "puker", dr. suspected reflux, but I'm suspecting more of an allergy as we dive further into other things. I recently tried introducing Rice cereal, that didn't work out. I also tried introducing Oatmeal, same reaction, but worse. Reactions were an extreme flare up with his eczema, and a more intense "puker". I took him for his check up yesterday and the dr. was willing to run blood work for allergies. I just want answers. Drawing blood from a 4 month old...worst experience ever! I have no idea how long those results will take to come back. We adopted him so the most info I have is that his birthmom is allergic to penicillin, and he has a birth sister with asthma. Once I know results of allergy test, I'm hoping I can explore some more on what cereals or foods I can give him. The boy wants to eat!
Re: Intro
DX Diminished Ovarian Reserve, Factor V Leiden Mutation, Secondary Infertility
MFI (SA #1Count 11mill, Motility: 18%, Morphology: 1%)
AMH .328 | FSH 13.2