July 2013 Moms

Every spam is awesome! Every spam is cool

When it's part of a team.

It's after 1am and because I took a nap today I'm still up. Hopefully for not much longer because I either want some decent sleep for the first wake up or to not wake up because it will happen like now. 

Just a reminder, Christmas is next week. 

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I lost my angels 07/2010, 04/2017, 10/2017

Meimsx no more

Re: Every spam is awesome! Every spam is cool

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  • oh yes, my sis is now 20 weeks into her pregnancy! there's a lot of drama going on over there because after they decided to get married (mostly because my mom wanted), his mom told him he would be dead to her if they did get married. So now one mom is pushing for wedding and the other is not... how crazy is that? the problem is that they're economically depending on them so they're trying to make everybody happy, so I told my sis to just decide for themselves without trying to please anybody and find a solution for their economy so that they can freaking live their own lives! Her BF's mom hates her to the end of the world so she swears they will break up in less than 6 months PP, she doesn't want him to be obliged to take care of my sis for ever, I have no idea why she doesn't like her, my sis is not perfect but I assure you she is the sweetest girl I know, she is careless with material things but she's amazingly self-sacrificing for the ones she loves. She has been a great GF to him for 4 freaking years and I'm sure she'll be a great mom too... it just breaks my heart that she has to deal with a bitchy almost-MIL  :((  mostly when everything else seems fine, they love each other, they are being responsible about the baby, they want to stay together and form a family.. etc.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers     Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    Surprise BFP on 11/02/12 EDD 07/06/13 --> Express wedding on 12/29/2012 --> G was born on 07/15/13
    *Multicultural family raising a multilingual toddler: Spanish, Italian, Dutch and English

  • Good morning! :-h

    I'm off to work for the first time in a week. I will have a lot to catch up on.

    It sounds like the babies are sleeping well!!
  • kaylakim said:
    @lizabethann06 thanks! Life is so confusing sometimes. I just want someone to tell me what I'm supposed to do!

    >:D< do what you love! @Kaylakim I'm sorry and I also hope your boss can sort something out, I know what it is to love your job and not make much $$ with it...
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers     Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    Surprise BFP on 11/02/12 EDD 07/06/13 --> Express wedding on 12/29/2012 --> G was born on 07/15/13
    *Multicultural family raising a multilingual toddler: Spanish, Italian, Dutch and English

  • Siggy Tech Question: 

    I put a Christmas movie gif in my siggy. It shows up just fine on the siggy editing page (and yes, I'm sure I'm using the right page to edit), but it doesn't show up in my posts. What am I doing wrong? 
    FKA mimi4347: diaper rash magician and unofficial expert on excrement
    photo fdcd1f14-730b-4ea3-9fd5-37c8a5575512_zps6b3ccb11.jpgphoto a71807cf-a0c7-4c71-807b-bc4577b61b83_zps4eece2a6.jpg
    This kid may not have a lot of bowel, but he has plenty of guts! 
    DS born at 34 weeks with (surprise!) gastroschisis turned short bowel syndrome.
    131 days in the NICU, 7 trips to the OR, G-button, daily TPN....
    We are impatiently awaiting the day we can say goodbye to his girlfriend Ivy for good.
  • econmama said:
    @Gutsymama The chubby cheeks. The curls. GAH!.  :x
    @gutsymama yes, I think I'll never get over Luke's cuteness... also, why? why did you have to post that amazingly-deliciously looking sushi?? 
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers     Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    Surprise BFP on 11/02/12 EDD 07/06/13 --> Express wedding on 12/29/2012 --> G was born on 07/15/13
    *Multicultural family raising a multilingual toddler: Spanish, Italian, Dutch and English

  • econmama said:
    @Gutsymama The chubby cheeks. The curls. GAH!.  :x
    @gutsymama yes, I think I'll never get over Luke's cuteness... also, why? why did you have to post that amazingly-deliciously looking sushi?? 
    It's so easy to make though! You could do it yourself!

    FKA mimi4347: diaper rash magician and unofficial expert on excrement
    photo fdcd1f14-730b-4ea3-9fd5-37c8a5575512_zps6b3ccb11.jpgphoto a71807cf-a0c7-4c71-807b-bc4577b61b83_zps4eece2a6.jpg
    This kid may not have a lot of bowel, but he has plenty of guts! 
    DS born at 34 weeks with (surprise!) gastroschisis turned short bowel syndrome.
    131 days in the NICU, 7 trips to the OR, G-button, daily TPN....
    We are impatiently awaiting the day we can say goodbye to his girlfriend Ivy for good.
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